Ever wonder why some people just seem to age faster than others, regardless of the lifestyle changes they undergo? Ever notice how fast a person seems to age when they are under extreme stress or suffering from a debilitating disease? Ever see a kid who has had a rough childhood who seems to be way too mature for his age?
I'm sure we all do it. It's completely natural to think about it often. My favorite place to think about it is on the beach at night with the roaring waves crashing in on the sand and the millions of stars looking down on me.
Over the centuries and different cultures, there have been many belief systems developed about who we are and where we come from. The answers to these questions have always changed as the cultures learn, change, grow and mature and sometimes those belief systems fade away with the culture that designed them, such as with the Native Americans.
There is a hierarchy to science with the base foundation being mathematics and the next level being physics. All other sciences are built like a building on this foundation. When a fundamental change in the foundation of a building takes place, it has a ripple effect on all other sciences.
I read an article in Psychology Tomorrow Magazine online by Jeff Warren ( you can check it out here) about whether science is ready to take enlightenment seriously, and it got me thinking. We've all seen Western societies adopt a new open-mindedness regarding yoga and meditation over the last decade or two.
Years ago, I remember hearing on the news that scientists were hard at work decoding the human genome and found that the vast majority of our DNA sequence was essentially "junk", as they had little idea what it could be used for.
Nick Goldman of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) at Hinxton, UK, led a team of scientists that successfully stored all 154 of Shakespeare's sonnets in DNA, along with other miscellaneous bits of information suitable for the test. They did this to test how viable nucleic acid is as a storage device, such as hard disc or magnetic tape.
How can the Internet, the human brain, and the Universe be growing in the same patterns? I came across a Huffington Post article recently that grabbed my attention. At first glance, the three objects don't show their cards, but scientists published findings in Nature's Scientific Reports magazine that show otherwise.