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Updated by Authorized User Tradelines on Feb 28, 2022
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Authorized User Tradelines

We help people increase their credit score to qualify for any type of loan. We also work on business credit profiles.


How many tradelines can I have?

How many tradelines can I have?

In general, there is no limit on the number of authorized user tradelines you can own. However, it is essential that you avoid over-purchasing, or else this might create an issue for you by harming the credit. Generally, the purchase of two authorized user tradelines is suitable for boosting the credit score.


How long does the authorized user tradeline last?

How long does the authorized user tradeline last?

If you make a purchase from a reliable company, then the authorized user tradeline will last for as long as seven years or as short as 45 days. Different factors determine the longevity of the tradeline usage, including the degree of legal challenge activities, how far you reside from the cardholder, and the type of tradeline you have purchased.

CPN Tradelines - Guaranteed To Increased You Credit Score In 7 Days!

We have a tradeline posting desk that will keep an eye on your file to ensure that your tradeline posts are done quickly. You must give us the correct login credentials and a valid credit card so that our team can update your authorized user CPN Tradelines report and withdraw your line of credit from your bank account. As soon as the bureau is done with its investigation, new credit reports will be made, and these will show any changes to your credit scores.

Authorized User Tradelines | Boost your credit score

You can be ensured that your tradeline will be posted on time by our tradeline posting desk. For our Authorized User Tradelines staff to correctly update your report and pull your line, please confirm that you supply the correct login credentials and that your account has a current payment card. Don't forget that all tradelines publish seven days after the statement date, and the 30-day clock begins ticking then.


Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

It is very necessary to have a good credit score for applying for a credit card or loan from any banking institution. A credit score of 700 or above is a must if you are applying for a loan. Below 700 could induce concern for applying for a personal loan. A bad credit score will not transform overnight with minor or major modifications in your financial habit.
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