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Updated by Listly on Jul 27, 2013
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Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
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Why Marketing Needs Celebrities

I recently reached the conclusion that celebrities are humans...just like us! And humanity gives your marketing an edge. Celebrity worship may be alive and well. Mostly because certain traits make them more (or less) human. And when you're human, you're relatable. And people like to relate to businesses who can humanize their marketing.

What I've Learned in the Last 5 Years of Site Building, Blogging, and Online Business

I don't claim to be an expert at all this online "stuff" but I've been at it for quite some time, now. I'd say that it was 2008 when I began to really sit down and realize that all those online projects I had been fiddling with could become some kind of real asset for me.

30 Tips to Improve Your Writing Now

Writing is a fundamental part of communication, yet many people are poor writers. Part of becoming a great writer is practice. You become a better writer with every email, story or blog post you draft. There also are things you can do to improve your writing immediately.

The right way to invite someone into your Atomic Tribe

Atomic tribes (sometimes known as Automatic Tribes) are a special kind of tribe owned by Triberr premium members (aka Primes) where only the Chief's content is shared. ATs make sharing completely frictionless, but they are not for everyone. They are really only for superfans and employees.

Twitter Chat 101: A Guide for the Beginner

Each Monday night, the Social Solutions Collective, which I am a proud member of, hosts a 'Twitter Chat' at 8 PM EST. It is not the most optimum time for this freelancing, busy mom to join in, but about twice a month, I get to join all, or part of, the chat.

5 Tips to Stay Ahead When Marketing Your Business

The current state of media and marketing is constantly changing. And a forward-thinking approach is necessary. Here are 5 tips to stay ahead: 1. Create More Opportunity You have the ability to make useful things faster and better than any corporation. Relying on publicity to get attention is like bungee jumping off a bridge.

John Lee Dumas Entreprenuer On Fire Interview

The secret to being successful online is to build a large, loyal and responsive audience. Want to find out how to do it? And would you like to make it happen quickly? In this episode of the Nuclear Chowder Online Marketing For Small Business podcast I interview John Lee Dumas, host of the wildly popular podcast: Entrepreneur On Fire.

Kryptonite Proof Your Content

I was 11 when Superman The Movie was released. And to this day it is one of my favorites. Everyone wants to be Superman. Everyone wants to fly. And that movie made you believe a man, or a woman, can fly.

Own Your Name Before Someone Else Does!

Fear is a powerful motivator. And fear is exactly what I felt when Dan Cristo told me to buy before someone else does. Imagine, he said, if someone owned your name and put up a porn site. Would you be ok with that? Hellz no, I wouldn't be ok with that.

10 Secret Fears of Bloggers

Blogging fears. We all have them. And we don't always want to talk about them. But when we sit down to write, they rear their ugly heads, those nasty trolls with the beady eyes and crazy orange hair: "What makes you think you can write?"

Sharing Blog Posts: The Difference in Marketing and Spam

So you've just written a new article or a blog post and you're ready to share it with the world. So you head off to social media to start sharing it. You're on the right track but there are a few things to know about marketing your content this way.

4 Bloggers to Follow

These are my favorite Bloggers. Who are yours? All four meet the following criteria. They are: Remarkable Special in some way Special to me in some way Super-engaging online Just plain amazing Without further ado, I give you my top 4 favorite Bloggers. Jillian Jackson Jillian runs several blogs.

13 Ways To Curate Your Own Content Right Now!

There's a lot being written about content creation and content curation. I've done my fair share of writing about the subject. The importance of creating your own content can not be stated enough to small business owners active on social media.As a social media consultant, one of my first questions to a potential client is 'Who creates your content?'

Five Big Google Changes You Need To Know About

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Nuclear Chowder Online Marketing For Small Business Podcast episode number 009. In this episode my guest Stephen Gardner and I will discuss the recent and coming changes to the Google search algorithm. These changes will dramatically affect small business websites.

Blog Content Management- How to Keep Multiple Blogs and Sites Organized

Keeping up with several blogs or sites can be a challenge. For some people, it's difficult enough to manage one so what do you do when you have multiple blogs and websites to maintain and keep organized? First, you're going to need to create a plan.

33 Experts Share Their Secrets For Improving Reader Engagement

A while ago I published a huge article on reader engagement which featured not only tactics, but also tools and examples of great reader engagement and the post did really well in terms of traffic, shares, feedback and all that fun stuff.

5 Ways Hollywood Sequels Can Help You Turn Your Sizzling Blog Post into a Series

Sometimes we write a single blog post, we send it out into the world and it becomes an instant-and unexpected- hit. Lots of page views, lots of social media sharing, lots of responses and questions in the comments. We didn't plan to write more on that topic, but we see that our readers would like more.

Why any business can afford a business blog

There are three main reasons why businesses do not have a blog. I am sure there are few more but the top reasons will always include money, time and a financial return on the effort. There is the belief that a blog added to an existing site will cost more.

When Someone Says They Don't See the Point in Twitter Show Them This

Lots of people dislike twitter, some even hate it. Today, when asked about Twitter, I heard someone in the office say "the thought of it makes me want to die." While a touch excessive, this sentiment is not that uncommon.

Social Media Pet Peeves

Do you ever read a Tweet or Facebook status that makes you facepalm? How about seeing a social share of a rumor or a hoax going viral? Does 'vaguebooking' get your panties in a twist? If you use social media, you probably have some social media pet peeves but the funniest part is that what bothers you might not bother me, and vice versa.

Twitter, G+, Facebook Wall, Who Is the Noisiest of Them All?

Who makes my online streams clogged up with nonsense? Who makes me want to run away and go live in a cave for a while? Who is causing the information overload we're all suffering from? Mashable and They are the root cause of all information overload. Now, let me explain.

How to Deal with Negative Comments on Social Media

With social media, we have a great opportunity to increase brand exposure, meet new friends, make connections and share within our niche. Social media is a fantastic platform for community building as well. Social media is perfect word-of-mouth advertising. People make buying decisions based on what their peers think about a brand.

8 Reasons Why Aweber Should Be Your Mailing List Provider of Choice

In the following post you're going to learn why I am such a huge fan of Aweber, how Aweber has helped me and how Aweber can help you too.

How I Get Social Shares And Links From Influencers Just By Asking

The world is changing, and if you don't change with it, you'll get left behind. That's not always a bad thing - unless you're an SEO, marketer or involved in business in any way. Throughout my childhood, my mum used constantly repeat certain phrases - words of wisdom, words to live by.

How to get the best ROI from social media

There's no doubt that social media is a valuable tool for marketing your business. By using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other sites to disseminate. Social media strategist Jay Palter recently wrote about the social media ROI quandary for The Globe and Mail.