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Updated by mj0118503 on May 27, 2022
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Top 6 Amazing Hoverboard Tricks For Every Rider

Hoverboards are fun way for hoverboards riders. But, are you aware of the hoverboards tricks? If no, the you don't need to worry about it. Here, I am going to describe Top 6 amazing hoverboard tricks.


The Spin Trick

This one is actually a basic trick to perform if you want to be a professional gradually. Although, the spin trick is very cool, it's not as technical as it appears.
To start hovering, the first tip is to be confident. Don't panic or shiver. You need to control your hoverboard using your ankles. Simply press down on the ankle and spin it in the direction you wish. Give it a twist, and you will be spinning. This is the spin trick.


The One-foot Circle Trick

Although, you may seem very skilled and technical in your hovering moves, this quick reading can unlock the secret and make sure that you are an expert in this one foot circle trick.
Now, place your right foot on your left side and your left foot on your bumper. Now, balance yourself perfectly and relax.


The Sitting Spin Trick

This stunt is a great way to show off your hovering skills. Take a deep breathe and sit down in a squatting position. Place your right hand on top of the bumper. Keep your right foot up in the air. Hold your right foot in your left. To avoid unwanted movements, ensure that your left foot is completely supported.
Now, relax and bend forward or backward. The sitting spin trick will be ready for you to showcase.


The trick of the turn

This trick isn't a trick. I call it a stunt. You will need to get help in the beginning, so don't practice it at home.
Stand straight and relax. Now twist your hoverboard and turn around to jump. You can do all of these moves simultaneously and you will be able to turn your hoverboard and twist it at the same. You are a champion if your hoverboard lands safely. You can also check out our buying guide to learn more about hoverboards.


Hoverboard Handstand

This one is quite difficult. You don't just need to have perfect balance, but also the strength and timing. This is a true professional stunt. It is best to practice this technique off the hoverboard before you become an expert.
Take a deep breath, place your hands on the hoverboard and then pull on. You will need to raise your entire body in one jerk. You can do it without losing your balance, and if you did it successfully you will be a real RockStar.


The Amazing Swirl Trick

This one is tricky. You must recall Aladin hovering over his carpet. If you've always wanted to try it, this is the time. You just need to practice the incredible swirl in a comfortable location while wearing your safety gear. To ensure your head is safe, don't scratch your elbows or knees.
Now, kneel down and place your knees on the hoverboard. Your feet should be facing up on the ground. Keep practicing this position for a while. Now, place your feet on the hoverboard and slowly increase the pressure.