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Updated by Harry W. Hoover on Feb 06, 2014
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Effective Use of LinkedIn

These are posts about how to take your Linkedin profile to its highest and best use.

LinkedIn: Your SEO Resume

July 10, 2013 on 11:42 am | In LinkedIn, My Creative Team, Social Media | Charlotte's Financial Executives Networking Group invited me to come speak recently on the topic of using social media to fill and find a job.

LinkedIn: Your SEO Resume - Part 2

July 15, 2013 on 10:35 am | In LinkedIn, Personal Branding | No Comments In the first installment, we talked about having a professional photo, developing a killer headline and adding good keywords to your title. Let's go back to title keywords for a moment. Above, you'll see the "Experience" part of my LinkedIn profile.

How You Should Be Using LinkedIn -- But Probably Aren't

If you're like me, you hastily set up a LinkedIn page, accepted invitations to connect, and then left your page to wither. Big mistake. In a recent survey of 835 business owners by Vistage International and The Wall Street Journal, 41 percent of respondents singled out LinkedIn Corp.

How to Write Your Killer LinkedIn Headline

What's the most important part of your LinkedIn profile? (Hint: the answer is in the post title.) Most folks will spend lots of time and energy into getting that coveted 100% profile completeness. They meticulously fill in their old employments, bio and specialities and feel that the profile is now ready to be unleashed on the world.

10 LinkedIn Headlines that Stand Out from the Crowd

The headline is possibly the most important part on your LinkedIn profile. It is your 120 character hook to people finding you in a LinkedIn search, it should be about what you do as opposed to what you are. It should be memorable and enticing enough for someone to click on your profile and not your [...]

The New LinkedIn Profile: Taking Advantage of the New Design!

It's been a long time coming. LinkedIn has spent the last month and a half transitioning members' profile pages to the new LinkedIn Profile design. Some profiles switched quite quickly while others languished... their poor owners wondering if they would ever receive the update.

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

February 5, 2014 on 5:04 pm | In Branding, LinkedIn, Marketing, Networking, Personal Branding | No Comments According to 3M, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.