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Updated by bivocalbirds on Aug 23, 2021
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Bivocal Birds Blogs

We at BivocalBirds understand the pain areas of both – the tenants as well as homeowners. And that’s why we realized the need of creating an online platform that will not just help tenants with finding a perfect space, but will also help homeowners with finding the right people to keep as tenants.


#top 5 haunted places in india

#top 5 haunted places in india

The urge to discover more about the unknown has driven people to travel to the four corners of the world for ages. While some individuals like researching haunted sites, others prefer to stay away from themTo read more


All you need to know about Chalet Houses

All you need to know about Chalet Houses

Cala, an Indo-European word meaning shelter, is the root of the word chalet. Chalets were originally built to house sheepherders during winter, as the name suggests. The idea of a square-shaped wooden home with triangular roofs, decorated facades, and a rectangular shape dates back to the 18 century.
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Modern Technology Advancement in Real Estate

Modern Technology Advancement in Real Estate

Today's world is constantly changing with new technologies and improvements to existing ones. While technology is becoming more dependent on humans, it would be wrong to say that technology can replace them. Technology isn’t a problem, nor will it cost people their jobs.
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Smart Home Appliances

Smart Home Appliances

It is understandable that people would be interested in a "smart" home in an age where everything, from books to your phone, is connected via smart appliances.
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Know Your Rights as a Tenant under the Model Tenancy Act

Know Your Rights as a Tenant under the Model Tenancy Act

Most of the times tenants face problems with their rented accommodation. These problems could be an unwanted intrusion of the landlord, sky-high security deposit demanded by the landlord, unexpected rent increment, lack of responsibility on the landlord’s part regarding structural maintenance of rented premises, or any other issue.

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Know Your Rights as a Landlord Under the Model Tenancy Act

Know Your Rights as a Landlord Under the Model Tenancy Act

Most of the times landlord face many issues with the tenants while letting their premises on rent.
These problems could be overstay of the tenant, not getting payments on time, sub-letting of the rented premises by tenants to someone else, or any other issue. If you are a landlord who is facing any such problem, then don’t worry Model Tenancy Act 2019 can offer some respite.
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How the Indian real estate sector can become the cornerstone of the economy?

How the Indian real estate sector can become the cornerstone of the economy?

When we talk about the real estate sector in India, it is expected to touch a market size of US$ 1 trillion by 2030 and this has been US$ 120 billion in 2017. Commercial real estate, retail, and hospitality are experiencing significant growth fulfilling India's growth needs at an incredible pace. This sector is expected to contribute 13% to the country's GDP by 2025. To Know More:


Rent Control Act: Everything a Delhite must know

Rent Control Act: Everything a Delhite must know

The Delhi Rent Control Act of 1958 was drafted by the Indian government to protect the rights of city tenants and landlords. The Delhi Rent Act strives to offer affordable housing to all levels of society, keep rent increases in line, and protect renters from unjust eviction.
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Augmented Reality in Real Estate

Augmented Reality in Real Estate

Augmented Reality (AR) is becoming more popular in all industries. AR isn't just for real estate. AR has the potential to make real estate buying and selling easier. It will enhance the marketing strategies used by realtors and provide home buyers with more memorable experiences.
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How to avoid & Fix feng Shui Mistakes

How to avoid & Fix feng Shui Mistakes

All of us yearn for peace. We do meditation, worship deities, affirmations, and many other things to reach the ultimate bliss. We can also practice feng shui within the same world.
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Facing problem with your current tenant

Facing problem with your current tenant

Being a landlord is not an easy job, regardless of whether you're based in another country, city, or local owner. Although you may be an excellent landlord and are very accommodating to tenants, this doesn't mean that you won't have stiff-necked tenants.
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How to invest money in your 20s in india

How to invest money in your 20s in india

Mutual Funds are money that is pooled together by many investors and managed professionally by a fund manager. It's a trust that collects money on behalf of investors who share a common investment goal. The money can be invested in equities or bonds, as well as other financial instruments.
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Modern Living Room Design

Modern Living Room Design

The living room is the best place to entertain visitors in a home. It's where families gather to unwind, relax after a hard week of work, or enjoy a television show. This room is often on the main level of a house and gets a lot of activity.
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Need to increase your property rent

Need to increase your property rent

It isn't as simple as it looks. Raising rent for tenants can be just as difficult as asking your boss for a raise. Most landlords do not need to explain an increase in rent. A buffer period of at least four months is recommended.
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A Complete Guide to Property Tax

A Complete Guide to Property Tax

Although buying a home feels great and is a huge accomplishment, there are also the responsibilities of property taxes. Before you buy a property, it is important to be aware of the cost of property taxes. Before you purchase a property, it is necessary to understand the tax implications.
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Best rental solution on bivocalbirds

Best rental solution on bivocalbirds

get 2 and 3 bhk flat with full furnished
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Get Best Rental Solution On BivocalBirds

Get Best Rental Solution On BivocalBirds