Explorra School of Design & Technology, Ahmedabad offers you National & International Pathway courses in Digital design, animation, graphic design, UI-UX design & Emerging Tech to build a career of your dreams.
Graphic design skills are a necessity for creative professionals who like to use their brain’s right side. Certainly, graphic design work must be enjoyable and stimulating, but potentially rewarding too.
Build a flourishing career abroad with 2 Years Pathway Program followed by Work Permit and an Opportunity to Settle in Canada. Jointly offered by Explorra, India & Red River College, Canada.
Earn Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in Digital Design & specialize in Graphics, Animation & VFX, Web design, UI-UX, Game Design from City of Glasgow College, UK with 1 year at Explorra, India. Now avail your opportunity to get a work Visa & PR in the UK!
One of the most wanted job alternatives these days is a career in animation. And why not? It is studied that the design artists and animators make a sophisticated income of around $65,300 annually!
A design pathway program offers a range of Graphic Design courses as well as courses in Web Design, courses in Animation, VFX and more. Let us understand the structure of the Pathway Program before moving to its benefits.
Animation design appears to be one of those enviable professions reserved for the fortunate few. You can only imagine how rewarding it must be to put your imagination to work creating cartoons, special effects, and social media graphics while still getting paid!
What are the current job prospects for UI designers? Is UI design a viable career path? This tutorial will teach you all you need to know about the UI employment market.
There is a plethora of professional options. It’s difficult to figure out which career has the most promise. You must assess your abilities. Then there’s peer pressure to consider. And the possibility for future growth in a given field.
Explorra School of Design and Technology is India's only leading institute offering pathway programs to Canada and the UK. Now, study in UK & Canada in a range of programs including courses in grap...