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Updated by Edupedia Foundation on Aug 29, 2021
Headline for Shakti Ohm Chakraayam
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Shakti Ohm Chakraayam

Shakti Ohm Chakraayam is powerful yogic pranayama that is practiced for achieving a healthy life, higher intellect, and self-realization. The Chakraayam focuses on seven chakras of the body and chanting of ohm at different lengths. The practice of Shakti Ohm is based on Vedic scriptures and yogic sutras.

Tale of kundalini awakening and chakra - Shakti Ohm ( In Hindi )

#kundalinishakti #kundaliniawakening #ohm # sevenchakraThis video brings out the authentic info and knowledge and perspective of Kundalini shakti, Kundal...

Tale of kundalini awakening , chakras , endocrine system and koshas- shakti Ohm ( in Hindi)

#kundalinishakti #kundaliniawakening #chakra # endocrinesystem #ohmThis video brings out the authentic info and knowledge and perspective of kundalini shak...

ॐ Ohm aum as creator and omnipotent presence of God- om chanting -Shakti Ohm

#kundalini awakening # kundalini shakti #ohm #aum #ॐ #om #ommeditation #omchanting # ohmchanting #aumchantingohm ॐ Aum (Ohm) Meditation for complete rejuven...

tribandha pranayama, moola bandha, ashwini mudra and basic pranayama for shakti ohm

#kundalini awakening #kundalini shakti #tribandha #ashwinimudra #moolbandhaThis video brings out the authentic info and knowledge and perspective of Kundalin...

Tribandha and kundalini episode 5

#kundalini awakening #kundalini shakti #tribandha pranayama #ashwini mudra #moolbandhaThis episode is special as it contains demonstrations of various asana,...

Shakti Ohm Chakraayam Live Demonstration

#shaktiohm #kundalini awakening #kundalini shakti #tribandha pranayama #ashwini mudra #moolabandhaThe demonstrated shakti Ohm is practiced by a trained and s...

Shakti Ohm Chakraayam for Children - intellect, improve memory and concentration

In the video, Shakti Ohm Chakraayam has been performed by a Child under 10 years. The purpose of creating this video is to make the audience aware that Shakt...

What is shiva adiyogi - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar contradicts Sadhguru and what Rigveda says about shiva

Who is Shiva ?This video tells the contradictory views expressed by Sri sadhguru and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on God Shiva.Whereas Sadhguru refers to Adiyogi as ...


Shakti Ohm

Shakti Ohm
SanatanaDharma Blog- Yoga and shakti ohm ( Yoga meaning , Yoga exercises and Yoga benefits ): Charan Sparsh in Englis...

Charan sparsh in english, charan sparch in hindi, charan sparsh pranam in hindi, charan sparsh pic, charan sparsh meaning, charan sparsh synonyms

SanatanaDharma Blog- Yoga and shakti ohm ( Yoga meaning , Yoga exercises and Yoga benefits ): Shiva is a supreme cons...

Buddha is shiva, supreme consciousness, enlightenment, spirituality, Gautama, Shiva, Ohm Namay Shivay, bliss, religion, Buddhism, Sanatana dharma,  

मेरा जवाब shiva adiyogi - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar contradicts Sadhguru about shivatva part 2

#shiva #lordshiva #shivatvaThe purpose of making the second video is to establish my clear view on shivatva and reply to those who commented otherwise withou...

संस्कृति के अध्यात्मिक गुरु और आज के गुरु एक सवाल ? कोई फ़र्क दिखता है ?- spiritual gurus of india

#spiritualgurusofindia #shiva #shivatva #spiritualguru #aajkeguru #buddha #mahavira #shaivaसंस्कृति के धरोहर अध्यात्मिक गुरु और आज के गुरु - एक सवाल ? कोई फ...

sanskar in children - आज के युवा वर्ग को three idiots की नही माता पिता के संस्कार की ज़रूरत है |

#sanskar #parent #career #children #spiritualitysanskar in children - आज के युवा वर्ग को three idiots की नही माता पिता के संस्कार की ज़रूरत है |The purpose o...

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#mantra #mantram #mantrameditation #mantajaap #mantraforpositive energyThis episode of spiritual head start covers the latent question of a seeker who has be...

Om mantra Chanting Meditation - Listen for calm mind, relaxation, pranayama and meditation

#omchanting #ommantra #ommeditationThe purpose of streaming this video is to provide users/ seekers with the continuous sound of Ohm Om Aum for pranayama, me...

Universal Sound Om Ohm Aum- Best way for meditation - News Online 24

News Online 24 Universal Sound Om Ohm Aum- Best way for meditation spirituality - Listen for calm mind, relaxation, pranayama and meditation.

shaolin meditation | shaolin temple | shaolin monk | shaolin fighting kungfu- all details in hindi

#shaolinmonk #shaolinmeditation #shaolintemple #shaolinkungfuThis is the seventh episode of a spiritual headstart.The video covers the well-researched reply ...