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Updated by softzyng on Jul 18, 2021
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Handal Training Indonesia

Handal Consulting Training is the leading and the first local Indonesian Nebosh Course Provider (Accredited Center No. 738)



Training NEBOSH Qualifications Program on Jakarta, Indonesia

Training NEBOSH Qualifications Program on Jakarta, Indonesia

This Training Nebosh indonesia is the most popular and globally recognised health and safety qualification. We are not just train you but inspire you in order to enhance your performance and to help you build a successful career in Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE). We are not the best but we will do our best to find the best solution in term of your requirements in occupational health and safety.


Training Maintenance Program on Jakarta, Indonesia

Training Maintenance Program on Jakarta, Indonesia

Training Maintenance Management is the key to success of an organization or plant to achieve the target especially in this era of global competition, managers and factory owners have a good challenge to increase output, reduce equipment downtime, with low costs and risks without ignoring to safety and the work environment.


RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Training on Jakarta, Indonesia

RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Training on Jakarta, Indonesia

Reliability Centered Maintenance, often known as Training RCM, is a methodology to ensure that assets continue to do what their users require in their present operating context. It is generally used to achieve improvements in fields such as the establishment of safe minimum levels of maintenance, changes to operating procedures and strategies and the establishment of capital maintenance regimes and plans.


NEBOSH International General Certificate by Handal Training Indonesia

NEBOSH International General Certificate by Handal Training Indonesia

The Training NEBOSH International General Certificate by Handal Training in Occupational Health and Safety (IGC) is one of the popular health and safety qualifications around the world. It is designed to reflect the needs of today’s employer giving learners everything they need to know and do to make their workplace safer.


PSM (Process Safety Management) Webinar-Live Training by Handal Training

PSM (Process Safety Management) Webinar-Live Training by Handal Training

A PSM (process safety management) is a part of training safety management and engineering system. The Process safety management system is introduced the first time as a regulation promulgated by the United States of America Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Training on Jakarta, Indonesia

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Training on Jakarta, Indonesia

Safety Integrity Level (Training SIL) training for professionals working in the oil and gas, petrochemical industries and will also be useful for engineering staff and technicians employed by the power industry, having direct relevance to engineers involved in supply and operation who work closely and responsibly. SIS replied.


Indonesian Course IOSH Training by Handal Training

Indonesian Course IOSH Training by Handal Training

Handal Consulting & IOSH Training is a leading engineering consultant of Reliability, Risk, Maintenance and Safety. Since 2002, Handal Consulting & Training (HCT) well established to help you to manage risks throughout the asset life cycle and to offer you a flexible approach to health, safety and environmental training and consultancy.

NEBOSH International Oil and Gas - Handal Consulting & Training

NEBOSH International Oil and Gas is a certification program is provided for people around the world who work in Oil & Gas industries.

Training Ahli K3 Umum - Handal Consulting & Training

Training Ahli K3 Umum Sertifikasi KEMENAKER RI merupakan manifestasi dalam bidang K3 (Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja).

Process Hazard Analysis Training - Handal Consulting & Training

Process Hazard Analysis Training is a set of organized and systematic assessments of the potential hazards associated with an industrial.