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Java Goal is the best Platform to learn java free and implement java programs, understanding the concept of all the various objects and classes used in java to build the applications. So, Don't waste your time and start reading to it.
Let's see how we can convert array to list java and convert java list to array. There are a number of method in Java that can be useful
How to create final class in java? Here we are explaining why we are using final class. You can see it with different scenarios or examples.
Here we will discuss What is the wait() method in Java? How wait() method works? wait(long timeoutMillis) method. What are important points.
Here is the Complete Java 8 tutorial. All the new features of Java 8. What is functional interface,lambda expression, stream etc.
What is a java static final and how we can initialize it in static block? How to use a static and final in java variable in java.
Let's see the use of comparator in treemap and treemap comparator example, TreeMap (Comparator comp) how we can use when treemap sort by value.
Here at Java Goal find all the answers. What is Object class? Why object class is a superclass? What is the need for Object class and example methods?
What is a static variable in java and how a static java variable does work? It is declared with the static keyword in java.
Java Goal is The best platform to learn java online.