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Updated by moghomehealthcs18 on May 27, 2022
Headline for MOG Home Health Care Services
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MOG Home Health Care Services

Improve Your Speech Today

Speech and language deficits can be hindrances to effective communication. If you are someone struggling with speech, call us so our speech pathologists can design a treatment plan for you.

Happy Fourth of July!

As we celebrate our Independence Day, we pray that the freedom our ancestors fought for does not lead to futility. Together, let us hope and work towards a free and glorious America.

God bless us all!

Age in Place with the Right Support

Aging in place isn’t a pipe dream. With the right support from your loved ones and professional caregivers, you can maintain your health without moving to nursing facilities and with minimal visits to hospitals. Our team will work to ensure that.

MOG Home Health Care Services - SMM Feeds

Individuals with complex medical needs require support from professionals with both medical knowledge and skill in patient relations. This is what we provide with our skilled nursing services and more.

Call us today!

Maintain Good Quality of Life with Dementia

If a loved one has dementia, it's no secret that their quality of life will most likely be poorer than it would be if they didn't. But just because the disease is encroaching on their brain doesn't mean they can't live well.

We are here for you and your family. Contact us so we start supporting your loved ones in living the best life possible for themselves even with dementia.

Get Back to Your Routines

Helping you live an independent life once again isn’t a farfetched dream. Whether a disability, injury, or illness has compromised your mobility, our expert therapists can provide tailored solutions to help you.

Call us.

MOG Home Health Care Services - SMM Feeds

Exercise is necessary for everyone. Research has shown that regular exercise with the help of a physical therapist can improve your mobility and body functions. So work with us and regain your independence.

Here’s How You Can Stay Safe Under the Sun

The hot weather can be dangerous to seniors. Fortunately, there are ways to keep yourself safe and enjoy what summer has to provide. Here are some ways.

  • Wear your sunscreen and other protective coverings.
  • Avoid doing strenuous activities under the heat.
  • Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Know when to take a rest and get in the shade.
  • Always have someone with you if you intend to go out.
You Can Leave Your Catheter Care to Us

The reason for using a catheter can vary. You may use it to relieve urinary retention or to introduce medication. But whatever the reason, you can count on our nurses to ensure the safe use of a catheter.

Call us.

MOG Home Health Care Services - SMM Feeds

As individuals, we have needs that go beyond getting home health care. So as your trusted care provider, we are also dedicated to offering you our support in other aspects of your life.

Talk to us to know more.

You Can Achieve Greater Independence

The idea of living independently with a disability, developmental or not, is alluring to many. But it can be both exhausting and overwhelming for someone who's never done it before. For some, it can even sound impossible.

But it isn’t. You just need to build up necessary life skills in baby steps while still having support available when you need it most. Talk to us.

Compassionate Developmental Disability Care

Individuals with developmental disabilities deserve the freedom to live their lives to the fullest. Our developmental disability care is aimed towards supporting them so they can lead fulfilling lives.

Regain Your Speech Functions

If you have a condition that impedes your speech or ability to communicate, you can turn to our language pathologists for help. With their experience, they can provide the right treatments to build your language skills back up.

Proper Wound Care

Proper wound care is important no matter how small you think the wound is. It helps prevent further infection, makes sure it won’t open or worsen, and speeds up the recovery process. The risk of harmful bacteria entering your body is also high if you have an open wound. So, your wound must be kept clean at all times. Topical medications prescribed by a doctor should be applied on time. Bandages (if any) should be changed as needed. If you need help in caring for your wound, let us know.

MOG Home Health Care Services - SMM Feeds

Home care is for anyone who needs assistance at home. The most common clients of home care are seniors, people with disabilities, people with injuries, and people recovering from an illness. If you are one of them, we can help. We also offer non-medical home care services. For a list of all the services that we offer, check our website. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch through our telephone numbers listed on our website. Our friendly staff would love to assist you.

Light Housekeeping

Your senior loved one’s home should always be clean because a clean living environment can help prevent illnesses. That is why we provide light housekeeping to help lessen your loved one’s load and provide a healthier living experience.

Take Part

National Health Center Week has been celebrated for 50 years to raise awareness about the goals and achievements of our health care centers in America. We hope you can take part by posting about your local health center on social media.

Getting the Right Nutrition

Your senior loved one should eat the type of meals that are appropriate for them. Our caregivers are willing to coordinate with your loved one’s doctor to help ensure their health and proper nutrition.

Home Health Care

Do not let a disability, an illness, or old age stop you from living a comfortable life with your loved ones at home. Instead of living in a nursing facility, you can opt for home health care services. Let us help you. Contact us today!

Dealing With People With Dementia

Communicating with senior loved ones with dementia is not a simple task. If things get worst, you might get frustrated and angry. But that’s not how it’s supposed to be. When dealing with people with dementia, you should be more patient and understanding. Here are some tips to help you deal with people with dementia:

  • State your message clearly.
  • Ask simple questions.
  • Make sure to get their full attention.
  • Listen carefully to what they have to say.
Give Us a Call

If your senior loved ones are having difficulties living their daily lives, our home health aides will be more than happy to help them. Contact us at 888-575-9850 to know more.

Join Our Team of Professionals

We are looking for passionate and skilled professionals to help us maintain our high-quality home health care services. We have a sign-on bonus of up to $1,000. For interested applicants, please visit our website.

Helping You Recover

If your senior loved ones have a disability due to an injury or chronic condition, we will be more than happy to help them. We offer occupational therapy to help treat individuals, especially senior loved ones with a disability, through the therapeutic use of daily activities. Occupational therapy is helpful to your loved ones in recovering their former skills and improving their strength, balance, and flexibility. We strive to help improve your quality of life.

Speech Therapy

Senior loved ones who are experience speech and communication disorders due to an illness or injury are always welcome to visit our facility. We provide speech therapy to help your senior loved ones with their recovery.

We Want to Help

For all your home health care needs, we are here to help. Allow us to lend a helping hand through our high-quality services and skilled professionals. Give us a call today so we can talk about what’s best for you.