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Updated by Sahrakanji on Jun 24, 2021
Sahrakanji Sahrakanji
1 items   1 followers   0 votes   1 views

Mercury Free Dentistry

With modern advancements in the field of dentistry, dentists are now able to realize the costly effects that previous procedures, and the materials used, can have on the overall oral health of their patients: such a material is metal fillings which contain mercury. Mercury Amalgam fillings are found to be harmful to the structure of … Continue reading "Mercury Free Dentistry"

Mercury Free Dentistry

With modern advancements in the field of dentistry, dentists are now able to realize the costly effects that previous procedures, and the materials used, can have on the overall oral health of their patients: such a material is metal fillings which contain mercury. Mercury Amalgam fillings are found to be harmful to the structure of … Continue reading "Mercury Free Dentistry"