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Updated by Erika Yigzaw on Jun 24, 2021
Erika Yigzaw Erika Yigzaw
7 items   5 followers   0 votes   3 views

Sculpture on the Gulf

Sculpture on the Gulf is arguably the most influential of all New Zealand’s ‘galleries without walls’, and has gone on to inspire similar exhibitions around the world. Set amongst some of the most magnificent coastal landscape in the world, the undulating walkway has served as a temporary home for pieces created by a who’s who of New Zealand art. The next event will be held in 2022.
Our Matiatia headland is tūrangawaewae – a place for all artists to stand tall. Haere mai! Welcome!

Sculpture On the Gulf, Waiheke Island - Sculpture On The Gulf

Since the first visitor strolled along Waiheke Island’s inaugural Sculpture on the Gulf trail in the summer of 2003, this biennial event has honoured New Zealand’s leading artists – and launched the careers of countless others.

Check out the artworks dotted around Auckland’s Waiheke Island

Video report from Seven Sharp on installation of one of the impressive sculptures for the 2019 SOTG.

2019: Sculpture on the Gulf returns to Auckland

Named a “must see” attraction by the New York Times, the bi-annual Sculpture on the Gulf gets underway this week. The event is one of New Zealand’s premier outdoor art exhibitions with multiple works displayed along a 2km walkway on Waiheke Island’s Matiatia Headland. Chair of Sculpture on the Gulf Caroline Forsyth and first time artist Euan Lockie talk to Lorna Subritzky.

Sculpture on the Gulf Features Emerging Artist Euan Lockie – Railway Str. Studios

Railway Street Studios welcomes emerging New Zealand artist Euan Lockie. Lockie was selected to produce a sculpture for Sculpture on the Gulf, an interactive and stimulating sculptural exhibit featuring 28 prominent artists works displayed along the coastline on Waiheke Island. His work Future Failings features a Department of Conservation hut, partially submerged in the water.

We are SO excited to announce our 2019 Artists. Congratulations to you all and we are looking forward to an exciting mix of beautiful, inspiring and chal… See More

2017 hSOTG Limited Edition by Dane Mitchell

2017 hSOTG selected artist Dane Mitchell was invited to produce a limited edition artwork for headland Sculpture on the Gulf 2017.

2017 Chris Bailey - headland Sculpture on the Gulf selected ar...

Meet local #Waiheke resident and selected artist for headland #SculptureOnTheGulf 2017, Chris Bailey.