STAY CONNECTED: With 2-way voice and HD video calling, voice messages, photos, emojis, and GIFs, your child never runs out of ways to stay connected with their favorite people.,STAY SAFE: With 3-way smart location tracking, history routes, SOS calling, and 20+ parental controls, your TickTalk helps you worry less and connect more.,STAY EXPRESSIVE: With dual 5MP photo and video cameras, share double the selfies and snapshots. Choose between individual and group chats to send interactive GIFs, emojis, and voice recordings in our Secure Messaging Center.,STAY ACTIVE: Encourage a healthier lifestyle by setting daily step goals both you and your child can track. Your child can even compete with approved TickTalk friends to earn the gold, silver, or bronze medal in the Step Championship!,STAY ON BEAT: The first kid’s smartwatch phone to offer free, unlimited streaming music powered by iHeartRadio Family. Access thousands of the most popular kid-friendly songs, podcasts, stories at no extra cost. Only available for U.S. customers.