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Updated by Lauren Salter on Jun 21, 2021
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Ethical Use of Information Curation Assignment

This is a curated list of ethical use of information. The following list is for Elementary aged students, specifically in 5th grade. This list will help assist students when citing resources in their writing. Due date: 6/20/2021. This was created by Lauren Abbey Salter for FRIT 7234.

Plagiarism - BrainPOP

This following video was taken from BrainPOP. This video will teach you what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. This is very important when engaging in your writing. During your EOG Test you will be asked to cite information from two different paragraphs. This will help you to prepare for your writing. Watch this video before beginning your draft. Brainstorm, jot down, or take any notes that you may need to help guide your writing citations.


Anchor Chart on Paraphrasing

Anchor Chart on Paraphrasing

Here we have an anchor chart on paraphrasing! This is a great resource to refer to in your classroom when writing information from a text. Read each step carefully. These steps will help you avoid plagiarizing! Make sure you write ideas from the book or text in your OWN words!

How to Paraphrase: Lesson for Kids - Video & Lesson Transcript |

In the lesson, you will learn what it means to paraphrase information and why it is so important. You will also learn how to paraphrase information. This is a great resource to help you dig deeper into paraphrasing. It will also explain why its important to do so! This resource will also be helpful for when you go to middle school. Paraphrasing can be important when note taking a lecture!

Turnitin - The Plagiarism Spectrum

Turnitin will dig deep into your writing to check for plagiarism BEFORE you turn it into your teacher! This website also checks for any citation or resource errors that you may have included. Since we will be using Google Docs to create our writing, you can upload your work to this site to check your writing. After checking, revise independently before turning your writing in! This is something that your middle school teachers will be using often!


Plagiarism Poster

Plagiarism Poster

This is a poster that we will have in the classroom as a visual for you to refer to when checking your writing for plagiarism. This is a helpful reminded to explain what plagiarism is and how to avoid plagiarism in your writing. Reread the poster to remember the importance of writing your ideas in your own words!

What Is Plagiarism? (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth

This resource will be very helpful to you if you have any questions regarding plagiarism. The information in this resource will help you better understand plagiarism and why it is not acceptable. This will help you if you have any question regarding plagiarism, citations, and more. Its important to read this to find out why you should not steal information as your own. Read the information given to better understand the right way to use internet sources and other references in your writing.

Find Free and Fair Use Photos for School | ISTE

This resource will be helpful to you when figuring out if you can copy and paste a photo from the internet into school projects or homework. You may think that since its a photo on the internet that you have permission to use that photo, but you may not. This resource offers different websites for copyright friendly material that you can use. This is very important to pay attention to when including in your work. Read through the resource. What website would be most helpful to you?

Copyright & Plagiarism for Kids

This is another video that explains plagiarism and copyright. What is it? In this video you will learn what both terms mean. You will also see tips to remember when giving credit to the original source. Watch the video to gain a deeper understanding of what plagiarism and copyright is. You may learn something you didn't know before! Practice paraphrasing by taking notes from this video!

Paraphrasing Texts - Nearpod

Nearpod is a great tool to use to learn a lesson! In this lesson, you will learn how to paraphrase texts. This is important to know when engaging in your writing. We have to be sure to stay away from plagiarism. In this Nearpod you will practice how to paraphrase sentences given to you! This will help you practice for when you must paraphrase in your writing. Begin the lesson to learn more about paraphrasing!

How to Avoid Plagiarism: 5 Easy Methods | Grammarly

Grammarly will help you learn more about plagiarism. This resource has many helpful tips for making sure you avoid plagiarizing. Referring to these tips when citing information will help you stay on the right path! Plagiarism is an ethical issue. Read and take notes on the tips from this article. The most important thing to remember is to present your own ideas, not someone else!