A strong social media presence is imperative nowadays to get your business noticed. With the right marketing tools and use of social media, word can spread fast about what your business has to offer.
A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by an Italian newspaper regarding online marketing and social media best practices. Since most of our readers probably missed that one, I figured I'd share my answers here. What about your work? What is your story and your educational path?
Pinterest may be the current social media belle of the ball, but that does not mean everyone truly gets it yet. While Pinterest is an exciting opportunity for business marketers, capitalizing on this unique platform can feel elusive.
Ah The Doctor, that mysterious man from Gallifrey... For those of you non Whovians out there, the Doctor (a Time Lord-a time travelling, humanoid alien) is the titular character in the BBC science fiction television show, Doctor Who.
It's common to wear many hats when working for a startup. More and more frequently as a business professional you will find yourself wearing a Marketing hat one minute and a Sales hat the next. To maintain sanity you must have the right tools at your disposal.
Published on Jul 01, 2013. Have you noticed some people on Google+ doing the same annoying thing, over and over? For most, it's not on purpose. It's not their fault that they don't know any better. But the fact is, there's something they're expected to do, or expected not to do, and they're messing it up.
Full service digital marketing agencies and social media agencies have now caught the attention of many corporations and small businesses, but why? Because social media agencies and digital marketing firms can put any small business owner on the map, giving them a wide reach to clientele from around the world to sell their product.
Airplane trays. Parking meters. Bathroom stalls. These are only a few of the unusual nooks and crannies that advertising has ineffably found its way into over the years. We know advertising is everywhere, and we know the media landscape is more cluttered than a house on an episode of Hoarders, but, like, just how bad is it?
Consultant to all that want to use Digital Media tools to connect with others.
Most of my lists are embedded on my blog posts: http://businessbluebird.com/blog