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Updated by Dena Thorp on Sep 10, 2024
Headline for It's almost here and it's going to be huge! Let's make some money!
Dena Thorp Dena Thorp
33 items   25 followers   456 votes   208 views

It's almost here and it's going to be huge! Let's make some money!

CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange and Advanced Medicine Exchange are about to make a huge appearance on the internet. Here I will show you how CrowdPoint Technologies will protect your identity and your families. Along with great shopping in all sectors. I'm so tired of the big tech companies making money on my information. I don't want to be watched by them either.

With Covid closing our small stores and companies it's been very hard for families to make money. Here it's safe and new. The big companies can't stop you from doing well for your family~It's the people building this for the people not corporations! Come join the 1000 of use that have been building this for YOU!

This is going to be huge!! Remember when the internet was new 30+ years ago? So many made money, but only the big corporations. At CrowdPoint, we will ALL make money even when we shop! Come check it out with me. There's many training videos to help you understand the power of the BlockChain. If the links don't work, just hit your refresh button.

BlockChain Talk Season 1 Finale, Season 2 starting soon!

Session 13, Season 1 of BlockChain Talk.
Session 2 is starting soon.
Crowdpoint Blockchain


WOW! Our Token is Backed by Silver.

WOW! Our Token is Backed by Silver.

Today we seem to be living in an increasingly untrusted world. Who are the Trusted Agents when it comes to protecting your hard-earned income?

Whom can you trust? Big Corporations or Governments? History has taught us that government-backed paper currency never holds its value. Inflation, taxes, and other issues like COVID 19 have cumulatively eaten away most of our earnings and savings.

If you turn to the global public markets, they are increasingly volatile. Only the insiders have the confidential information to perform well, leaving the rest of us to speculate and hope to survive the next crash or financial crisis.

Who or what can be Trusted?

Did you know that Silver is possibly the oldest mass-produced form of coinage?

Silver has been used as a coinage metal since the times of the Greeks.

Silver is an excellent hedge against inflation; after all, Silver has never been worth zero.

Additionally, Silver is one of the most liquid assets you can own. Silver can't be minted digitally, and it is a finite resource and only can grow in value.

On our Ellipsis Exchange, we recognize that holding physical Silver can be challenging. We tokenize Silver on our Vogon Blockchain as a digital utility token. This token represents physical Silver in the ground.

On the Ellipsis Exchange, enjoy all the convenience and flexibility of digital banking with the security of having your wealth tied to a precious asset engaged as a utility to drive real commerce and actual savings.

Here you keep you identity, it's not sold and you earn a dividend back by silver.

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary

Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How do we regain control of our data? What is surveillance capitalism?

VOGON Blockchain at Crowdpoint Technologies is NOT surveilling you to make money, we are protecting you from that very thing!

Bitcoin is Generational Wealth - A Short Film by Matt Hornick and Tomer Strolight - World Premiere

You can get SILVER backed coin's on VOGON Block chain. This was built by the people for the people. Now more secure and trusted.

Learn more about the different programs here.

Bitcoin Is Generational Wealth” is a short film exploring the potential Bitcoin has to extend the timeframe of the projects humanity focuses on and actually achieves.

Across recorded history, cycles of rise and fall, both of civilizations themselves and of what they use for money, repeat time and again. We are experiencing another fall now and it is horrifying to observe.

However, for the first time in humanity’s existence, something unprecedented arrives - a money that is incorruptible, indestructible, and infallible: “un-fall-able”. It is money that can support on its shoulders a civilization that will also be un-fall-able.

With the prospect of preserving capital and being able to reinvest it productively forever, new possibilities can be imagined and their potential made into reality over multiple generations.

That is what this film aims to impress upon its viewers: That Bitcoin can break the cycles of fallings and replace them with an everlasting, productive peace.

Directed by Matt Hornick
Screenplay by Tomer Strolight
Edited by Adam Hurlburt

Executive Producer Louis Liu


Banking on the BLOCKCHAIN

Banking on the BLOCKCHAIN

The Global Industry Classification Standard used by Morgan Stanley defines the consumer discretionary sector and industry that includes companies involved in banking, thrifts & mortgage finance, specialized finance, consumer finance, asset management and custody banks, investment banking, and brokerage and insurance. Here's a Video for more info.
Join here.

It also includes Financial Exchanges & Data and Mortgage REITs.

Using CrowdPoint’s next-generation Blockchain all members of the ecosystem benefit from the transparency, speed, and immutable transactions associated with banks, thrifts, and mortgage finance.

It also includes organizations that work within diversified financial services, consumer finance, capital markets, real estate investment trusts, and insurance.

Here's a video to explain more.


Selling cars on the BLOCKCHAIN?

Selling cars on the BLOCKCHAIN?

Industrial Sector
The Global Industry Classification Standard used by Morgan Stanley defines the industrials sector and industry that includes manufacturers and distributors of capital goods such as aerospace & defense, building products, electrical equipment and machinery, and companies that offer construction & engineering services.

It also includes providers of commercial & professional services including printing, environmental and facilities services, office services & supplies, security & alarm services, human resource & employment services, research & consulting services. It also includes companies that provide transportation services.

Using CrowdPoint’s next-generation Blockchain, all members of the ecosystem benefit from the transparency, speed, and immutable transactions associated with Capital Goods, Transportation, and Commercial and Professional Services.

Our mission is to horizontally and vertically unite Capital Goods, Transportation, Commercial and Professional Services on our NexGen Blockchain in order to DEMOCRATIZE the Industrials Sector Experience for your HUMAN IDENTITY.


Working in IT on the Information Exchange.

Working in IT on the Information Exchange.

Check out Information Technologies Exchange.

Want to work as a TECH?
Through the integration of a handheld Vigilant Robotic Artificial Intelligence (VRAI) device, CrowdPoint has enabled the average person the ability to become a technician. One does not need to be a skilled expert in order to operate this groundbreaking technology.


Real Estate on the Blockchain!

Real Estate on the Blockchain!

One of the reasons you want to sell on the Crowdpoint Echosystem.
All documents are signed and securely stored online, while deeds and other contracts are recorded using blockchain technology this solves so many tracking/record keeping problems. I should know, I have a title that is so messed up right now. If it was on the blockchain then the papers would have not been lost. Owning my property for over 25 years and never knew there was a problem till now. Selling on the block would have never lost my original paperwork. Come check it out here.


Come read about the New Release for the Consumer Staples and CrowdPoint Blockchain.

What’s The Big Idea? How Blockchain Enables

Everyone has a big idea. The hard part is making it happen. The good news? A confluence of technologies has opened the door for anyone to create something big, without the massive financial investment

How to make money on The Blockchain and the internet of Things- BlockChain Talk Session 12

"Blockchain & The Internet of Things". My Co-Host is Sean OBrien-Brehm. What connected to the internet and what is going on while your sleeping?
There talking about your appliance, TV and so much more is connected and it is secure? What's going on with your cyber security? Are you up to date? How do they update when needed? How you can make money on the "The Internet of Things"
#Connectivity #Powerful #Technology #Blo...

How to use Tokens and Coins on The Blockchains-How exciting!!

Session 11 of Blockchain Talk, "How to use Tokens & Coins on The Blockchain" . My guest is Sean OBrien-Brehm. #...

Buying Power on The Blockchain

" Buying Power on The Blockchain " with Sean OBrien-Brehm. What are you waiting for? On line buy has grown so much since the virus! Jump in with us and you will see how we all work with each other to succeed!
#BuyingPower #BlockchainTalk

The Blockchain will defeat Neo Feudalism

Today, the world has moved away from Capitalism to Neo Feudalism. More and more, big corporations are taking control of cultures and individuals through money, policies, practices, and surveillance capitalism to the point that they control many aspects of everyday private lives.

Beyond the Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time variables today, a new kind of oppression has emerged.

Big Technology Companies freely exchange the Human Identity are using surveillance capitalism to create a human identity slave trade.

Suppose the current digital revolution is characterized as a fusion of technologies that blurs the lines. In that case, it should also be transformative in how the Human Identity is emancipated from the current identity slave trade is happening today.

CrowdPoint's charter is to empower the microprenuer who own Small and Medium Businesses to harness the power of Big Data, A.I., Compaction, and Blockchain technologies to participate in a Blockchain Ecosystem Exchange.

The good news is that four unique technologies will lead to the fourth industrial revolution when in the right hands.

Combining these four technologies makes up the necessary technological ingredients to create digital platforms operating in an emerging technological ecosystem.

Today, the convergence of several technology megatrends is working together in a rare and unique singularity.

Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Compaction technologies combined with a distributed ledger will assist business decision-makers in contributing to the emerging sharing economy.

When integrated correctly, these technologies will usher in radically new business models.

If you want to learn more . . . contact us.


5 hours of FREE video's

5 hours of FREE video's

This is the best information for people that are looking to better their health. Come on and join me, watch this valuable information. These days keeping your health tip top is very important.


We OPEN! Your invited to see whats here!

We OPEN! Your invited to see whats here!

Your health is number 1. If you want to get healthy or do better with your health, then this is the right place for you. There is so much wonderful information here to help you get healthy.

A hackers reach to your information!

Hackers, what are they getting from your computer or phones?
Coming soon, cyber security like no other!

Save and Make Money

Session 9 "Save & Make Money with Blockchain ".

#SaveMoney. #MakeMoney#BlockchainTalk

This is HUGE and it's going to change they way we function on the web today!

This is HUGE and it's going to change they way we function on the web today.

#cyberprivacy #cybersecurity #newecosystem #digitalplatform...

E-Commerce Opportunities and a new beginning

My guest is Sean OBrien-Brehm. We the people for the people not the big guys. Come see what they're talking about here. This is a new ecommerce that you don't want to miss out on! It's BIG, very BIG. #BlockchainTalk #NewBeginning #Transparency #cyberprivacy #decentralized #makemoney #opportunities #blockchain #decentralizedID #safe #protectchildren

We need to protect our children from the wild wild web!

Companies are preying on our children for profit and putting them in danger. Apps and devices are becoming more and more invasive, harvesting our children’s sensitive private information and using it to spy, manipulate, and discriminate.

We need to protect our kids.

Scraped data of 500 million LinkedIn users being sold online, 2 million records leaked as proof

A user on a popular hacker forum is selling 500M LinkedIn users' full names, email addresses, phone numbers, workplace information, and more. This is why CrowdPoint Technologies is needed. We are #Cyberprivacy and security. We are the 4th industrial revolution against all this bad that is going around. Join us and see what I'm talking about. Your privacy matters!!

Aaron Lewis - Am I The Only One ft. Thank You For Your Service (Movie)

Aaron Lewis - Am I The Only One ft. Thank You For Your Service (Movie) Great Song and Great Movie! Simple fan video.

God Bless the USA - YouTube Music

Happy 4th of July America!
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore God Bless the USA · Caleb Grimm God Bless the USA ℗ 2020 Prodigy Released on: 2020-07-03 Auto-generated by YouTube.

How to make money on the Blockchain

Join us tonight at 7PM EST for Session 7: "How to make money on the Blockchain". #Monetize #MakeMoney #Trust #Precision