Listly by Abhijit Dave
yoga can help us to boost immunity. Since long we all know importance about Yogasana. Shall we practice yoga even when the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly under control? The answer is yes.
Shishu means child in Sanskrit. As the name suggests, the posture resembles typically a child’s natural resting pose.
How to perform?
Sit on your heels. Bend forward keeping your hips on the heels, and bring your forehead to the floor.
Keep your hands on the floor alongside the body, palms facing up.
Gently press your chest on the thighs.
Gently come up and sit on the heels, uncurling vertebra by vertebra and relax.
Dhanur means Bow.
How to perform?
Bend the knees and hold the ankles by the palms.
As you inhale, raise the head and the chest upwards. Pull the legs outwards and backwards so that the spine is arched back like a bow.
Stabilize (rest) on the abdomen.
Do not bend the elbows.
How to perform?
Inhale, raise legs together slowly (without bending the knees) till it forms about 45-degree to ground.
Continue to inhale and raise legs further to 90 position and simultaneously bring arms down placing them next to buttocks.
Allow your legs to sweep in a 180 angle over your head till your toes touch the floor. Your back should be perpendicular to the floor.
Make an attempt for a few seconds.
After about a minute of resting in this pose, you may gently bring your legs down on exhalation.
How to perform?
Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on ground.
Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor.
Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands.
Breathing out, gently bring your abdomen, chest and head back to floor.
How to perform?
Lie on your back. Your feet are together and hands relaxed alongside the body.
Place the hands underneath the hips, palms facing down. Bring the elbows closer toward each other.
Breathing in, lift the head and chest up.
Keeping the chest elevated, lower the head backward and touch the top of the head to the floor.
Now lift the head up, lowering the chest and head to the floor. Bring the hands back along the sides of the body.