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Updated by adkekcs on May 27, 2022
Headline for The Discoveries Along the Way
adkekcs adkekcs
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The Discoveries Along the Way

With the reinvention of oneself, comes with it a lot of new discoveries and AHA moments! I want to share those with you here. They come in every aspect of life and without warning, but you know when they happen!

My New Career - CrowdPoint Technology

Hello! Thank you for allowing me to share my CrowdPoint Technology journey with you! I'm super excited about this revolutionary way of doing business and want to share with you more information into this new technology and how it can benefit you and me!

I hope you enjoy and feel impressed as I did to pivot into this new kind of sharing economy,


The new me!

The new me!

A few years ago, tragedy struck all in the same month! My fiancé died unexpectedly. I went bankrupt. I was evicted from my apartment. I resorted to living in my car for a few the dead of winter! What a whirlwind! Fast forward to today and the air is much calmer. I have reinvented myself; dug myself out of financial ruin and purchased my 1st home last year! And I invite you to reinvent yourself.


Skin troubles got ya down? I can totally relate! My momma told me my skin woes would go away when I became an adult! They didn't magically disappear. In fact, they followed me through adulthood, which prompted my search into solutions for troubled skin. Check out these new products from Vika's Essentials on the blockchain ecosystem

How to Trust Yourself

Part of a reinvention may be learning to trust yourself , perhaps for the first time ever! Here is a link to my favorite video regarding this topic. Key take away - The promises you don't keep to yourself create shame. The promises you do keep to yourself create honor.

Every time you make a new promise to yourself, without keeping every single other promise you’ve made to yourself - your inner voice laughs at you.


Blockchain Ecosystem - been a long time coming

Blockchain Ecosystem - been a long time coming

"Our first goal is to free the Human identity from its current online shackles to return value back to where global eCommerce originates: YOU. Our Digital Platforms, when combined with Big Data continuous lead generation, create an interconnected Blockchain Ecosystem where the Consumer always wins."

Join the revolution


The Journey to Your Best Life...

The Journey to Your Best Life...

If your job is being threatened due to mandates, etc. I invite you to look into the opportunities available at this Blockchain Ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint Technologies. We are looking for Distributors, Resellers, Technicians. This just may be the pivot you need to your best life.


The significance of a pivot...

The significance of a pivot...

Pivot Your Posture! How many hours do we spend in a day hunched over our phones, tvs, computers, food, you name it? Go outside and look up 🙄 extend your arms 🤗 and exclaim to the universe "I am____!" Notice any shifts in your posture physically, mentally, emotionally?


"Success isn't something society creates - it's something you create within yourself"

"Success isn't something society creates - it's something you create within yourself"

Nobody defines your success but you.


The new blockchain ecosystem has launched!

The new blockchain ecosystem has launched!

It's time to experience a new kind of sharing economy.


Consistently inconsistent

Anyone else relate?


With so much going on in the world...

With so much going on in the world...

Where do you find yourself? How are you - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually? Here are a few of my favorite activities that have helped me: meditation, yoga running, playing guitar and taiko drums, reading, art and spending time with family and friends, water, sunshine, eating clean, exercise, dancing, sports, and playing, reflecting, journaling, painting, self-expression, prayer, contemplation, What can we add to this list that has helped you?