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Updated by Shauna on Oct 25, 2021
Shauna Shauna
13 items   30 followers   267 votes   103 views

An Amazing Opportunity to Freedom with CyberPrivacy & Advanced Medicine on Blockchain Powered by CrowdPoint Technologies

A list of my events surrounding CrowdPoint's Cyber Privacy Exchange and Advanced Medicine Exchange on Blockchain


A New Revolutionary Blockchain Company 'CrowdPoint Technologies'

Protect your most precious asset the 'Human Identity' from being stolen and sold by Big Tech Companies.
Join CrowdPoint Technologies and pay
the human behind their Identity instead!

If you missed out on the Tech Boom, Seize This Moment in Human History

CrowdPoint Blockchain Exchange, be part of this new extremely smart digital platform that is emerging.
Don't be caught sitting on the sidelines again watching this industry explode and the wealth it brought passed you by.
This is your big chance

iframely: The Blockchain will defeat Neo Feudalism

Today, the world has moved away from Capitalism to Neo Feudalism. More, big corporations take control of cultures and individuals through money, policies, practices, and surveillance capitalism to the point that they control many aspects of everyday private lives.

If you want to learn more . . . contact us.

iframely: CrowdPoint Technologies Blockchain NexGen Exchange Opportunities2.mp4

Do you want to be your own boss? Make your own hours? Become Financially independent?
The 4th Revolution is upon us and this is your chance to be in from the very beginning.
An amazing opportunity to become a Distributor, Reseller or Technichian or All three! Join me and other micropreneurs in the change the world is looking for.

How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained

What is a blockchain and how do they work? I'll explain why blockchains are so special in plain simple English! Check out our blockchain-powered ecosystem.

Blockchain Talk Session 7

Every Thursday 7PM EST "How to make money on the Blockchain". #Monetize #MakeMoney #Trust #Precision
Find out more how you can join CrowdPoint Technologies as a Distributor, Reseller or Technician.

Blockchain Talk Session 6

Session 6 “ How Decentralized Identifiers are impacting the media industry”
Blockchain Talk every Thursday 7:00 EST on Facebook & Youtube
CrowdPoint Technologies changing the world. check here for Amazing opportunities

iframely: CrowdPoint Technologies I Event Introduction

CrowdPoint Technologies a 'Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World'! Protecting your most precious asset your 'Human Identity'! Join me and other like minded micropreneurs paying you behind the Human Identity not the big tech companies that are stealing and selling your personal data.

iframely: CrowdPoint's Advanced Medicine Exchange

Because your health & wealth matter!
Visit this new health and wellness marketplace Find out more:

Advanced Medicine | Dashboard

Advanced Medicine. Get access to the incredibly powerful health assessment tool powered by years of experience from
top doctors around the world. And so much more. Sign up for free.

iframely: Advanced Medicine Exchange

One of kind! With out our health we have nothing!
To learn more click here

A Revolutionary Way to Assess Your Health and Well-being

At the Advanced Medicine you have the opportunity to join the International Association for a Disease Free World (IADFW). You will gain access to a private, censorship free community and have FREE access to and utilization of the AHEAD MAP. Click here to create a FREE account

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