I'm so excited to share with you my journey with CrowdPoint Technologies (Cyber Security Exchange), and the Advanced Medicine Exchange. This is Blockchain BIG!
CrowdPoint Technologies - A Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World
I'm excited to be a part of the next revolution! Are you tired of putting your personal information in the web for hackers or big tech to sell? CrowdPoint has the technology that will watch out for everyone and not cater to the big boys. A way to use the web without giving up your personal data to the highest bidder. This is blockchain big! You too can be a part of the next revolution. Learn more
Let's make an impact together! See the amazing technology Crowdpoint offers HERE and HERE. Together we can protect those in need!
CrowdPoint Technologies
What is CrowdPoint and The Blockchain? For those of you new to this, the blockchain is an online digital ledger that PROTECTS YOUR PRIVACY. CrowdPoint will never sell your data.
You're Invited to Join the Advanced Medicine Community
Advanced Medicine is Medicine that is “beyond others in progress and ideas”, “beyond the elementary or introductory”, “greatly developed” and “much evolved”. For only $98 you can join the IADFW and use the AHEAD Map. You have the opportunity to learn the possible health benefits of these life-changing philosophies and resources the Advanced Medicine Community has to offer. Learn more
What is an Exchange?
An Exchange is a digital platform powered by the Blockchain. Stay tuned for the first CrowdPoint's Exchange, Advanced Medicine Exchange, to be launched here
CrowdPoint utilizes blockchain technology. This video explains what a blockchain is at 5 levels of increasing complexity. Blockchain, the key technology behind Bitcoin, is a new network that helps decentralize trade, and allows for more peer-to-peer transactions.
Microprenuer/Reseller with CrowdPoint Technologies and The Advanced Medicine Exchange. Reclaiming our identity, wealth, and health for us all! [Join me](https://ellipsis.crowdpoint.tech/?afmc=4LSJd...