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Updated by Azra on Jan 30, 2022
Headline for Azra's Amazing CrowdPoint Journey ✨
Azra Azra
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Azra's Amazing CrowdPoint Journey ✨

Hi, I am Azra, Your Trusted Agent In An Untrusted World.
Please allow me to walk you through the power of Blockchain and show you how to protect your Personal Identity.

I wanted to share with you my amazing journey with CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine Exchange.



Beginning of My CrowdPoint Journey

Beginning of My CrowdPoint Journey

I have always admired entrepreneurs, but never thought I could be one. Yet, I wanted to earn extra income while doing what I love, adding value, making a positive impact, and having a great work/life balance.


I Am So Excited to Embark on This Journey

I Am So Excited to Embark on This Journey

All of this seemed impossible. Thoughts of what could go wrong shut down any ideas and burning desires that came to mind. Fear dominated over inspiration. Maybe this was not for me, I thought. Little did I know that the Divine Intelligence would guide me on a journey to CrowdPoint Technologies.


I Am a MicroPreneur!

I Am a MicroPreneur!

Guess what? I am a MicroPreneur! While traditional entrepreneurs are motivated by growth, MicroPreneurs build for others. As someone who is passionate about helping others, this feels close to my heart. I am privileged to work with over 1,000 like-minded individuals who support and uplift each other while making history and a better and brighter future for common folks. I have found my Crowd.


Blockchain Gives You Control Over Your Identity

Blockchain Gives You Control Over Your Identity

As a distributor, I sell high-quality products while providing an additional service for free. When my customers buy from me, I onboard them onto the Blockchain where they authorize their own digital identity made by them FOR THEM. The Blockchain powered by CrowdPoint protects, secures, and gives you control over your online identity.


The Human Identity - Most Precious Asset in History

The Human Identity - Most Precious Asset in History

The Human Identity is data with a value. It is the new global currency that powers the global economy.

My customers and I both win. I earn income while distributing something I love while safeguarding the most precious asset in all of history: The Human Identity. Would you like to set yourself free? Your onboarding is free with every purchase. Your future self will thank you ☺️.

Power of Blockchain - CrowdPoint Technologies

Big corporations are taking control of cultures and individuals through money, policies, practices, and surveillance capitalism to the point that they control many aspects of our private lives.
CrowdPoint's charter is to empower the microprenuer who own Small and Medium Businesses to harness the power of Big Data, A.I., Compaction, and Blockchain technologies to participate in a Blockchain Ecosystem Exchange.

Advanced Medicine Exchange Welcome Video

Welcome to my Advanced Medicine Exchange online store powered by CrowdPoint Technologies. Would you like to learn more about CrowdPoint Technologies? Check u...

Blockchain Talk Session 1

Launching a 13 week inside look at the Blockchain Technology.

Blockchain Talk Session 2

Session 2 of Blockchain Talk:Special Guest Greg Fitzgerald , CEO & Chairman of Cyber Force Security, LLC and Co-Founder of Savco Security My Co-Host is Sean...

Blockchain Talk Session 3

Session 3 features 10 Blockchain Global Ambassadors and CrowdPoint Distributors. #Enpowerment #Choices #LevelPlayingField

Blockchain Talk Session 4

"Decentralized Identifiers", your opportunity to protect and maximize YOUR identity! Our special guest is Sean OBrien-Brehm, Founder of CrowdPoint Technologies.

Blockchain Talk Session 5 Part 1

Join us this evening at 7pm EST for Part 1 of Session 5 featuring 6 personal stories on how The Blockchain Technology is changing lives around the world. My ...

BlockChain Talk Session 5 Part 2

Join us this evening at 7pm EST for Part 2 of Session 5 featuring 4 personal stories on how The Blockchain Technology is changing lives around the world. My ...

Blockchain Talk Session 6

Join us tomorrow evening at 7pm est for Session 6 “ How Decentralized Identifiers are impacting the media industry” with my Co-host Sean O’Brien-Brehm and sp...