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Updated by Jamie Rose Brown on Jul 25, 2021
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Jamie Rose aka Happiness Ninja Extraordinary CrowdPoint Journey

This is a short recap of events surrounding Jamie Rose aka The Happiness Ninja's journey to CrowdPoint; Cyber Privacy Exchange and Advanced Medicine Exchange.


This is my Ellipsis Portal and my Advanced Medicine Exchange sites. Please feel free to browse, reach out and contact me with any questions.


A Discovery of Truth

A Discovery of Truth

My name is Jamie Rose and I moved from Queensland, Australia to New York City in January 2020.

When the world shut down in March 2020, I went on the search for information on the truth. Through that journey I discovered Dr Buttar, the most censored doctor on the planet, along with Advanced Medicine and Crowd Point Technologies.


Data Mining is BIG Money!

Data Mining is BIG Money!

Over time our privacy and security expectations have slowly eroded away. Each individual should have a right to control their own data. Instead big corporations are selling our data to other companies for their own profit!

CrowdPoint's digital platform uses blockchain technology to ensure your cyber protection.

Say hello to a new opportunity on The Advanced Medicine Exchange.


Say YES to more Health, Wealth, Wellness, & Happiness!

Say YES to more Health, Wealth, Wellness, & Happiness!

Since 2015 I have been dressing up as The Happiness Ninja conducting random acts of kindness around the world.

As the host of Happiness Ninja Down Under, my aim is to educate and empower people to make better, conscious decisions about their health, wealth, wellness and happiness.

As both an Entrepreneur and a MicroPreneur, I just want to break out of the system and live life on my own terms, doing what I love.


Becoming Trusted in an Untrusted World

Becoming Trusted in an Untrusted World

CrowdPoint is a digital marketplace provider powered by the latest blockchain security providing consumers with a serious opportunity to make money online utilizing your own digital identity, instead of big corporations making money from basically stealing your information, like never before!

Keep digging deeper to discover more about how this truly revolutionary company is putting PEOPLE over profit FIRST.


Advanced Medicine Exchange

Advanced Medicine Exchange

The Advanced Medicine Exchange powered by CrowdPoint works synergistically to bring you high quality health products free from toxins, on a safe and secure platform that cannot be hacked.

Shop for premium products and gain access to a free and secure digital ID that you control.

Purchasing from my online store allows me to onboard you onto the blockchain where you then authorize your own digital identity. Say goodbye to junk and spam mail!


A Revolution is Coming - BlockChain Talk 1

A Revolution is Coming - BlockChain Talk 1

Have you heard about The 4th Industrial Revolution yet?

It's set to be even BIGGER than the DOT COM boom and bust.

Tune in for Episode 1 and hear from CrowdPoint's co-founder Sean O'Brien Brehm on The Pete De La Torre Show about how you too, can take advantage of the change that's coming.


A Change for the Better - BlockChain Talk 2

A Change for the Better - BlockChain Talk 2

We have entered into a new kind of collective shift. The way that we use the internet and make money is changing for the better.

Companies have been exploiting your Digital ID and making money from YOUR information for TOO LONG.

Tune in for Blockchain Talk Episode 2 on The Pete De La Torre Show and find out where this new technology could lead you!


Social Proof is Important - BlockChain Talk 3

Social Proof is Important - BlockChain Talk 3

CrowdPoint is emerging with 11 Industry Sectors integrated throughout its' Exchange Blockchain Ecosystem.

that leverage the Blockchain give the everyday person a chance at increasing their yearly earnings.

Tune in for BlockChain Talk Episode 3 and hear from Blockchain Global Ambassadors and CrowdPoint Distributors.


Decentralizing the World - BlockChain Talk 4

Decentralizing the World - BlockChain Talk 4

Tune in for Episode 4 of BlockChain Talk to learn about how to take advantage of your opportunity to protect and maximize your online identity.

This week co-founder of CrowdPoint Technologies, [Sean OBrien-Brehm], discusses "decentralized identifers" so you too can capitalize on the 4th Industrial Revolution.


How BlockChain is Changing Lives - BlockChain Talk 5, Part 1

How BlockChain is Changing Lives - BlockChain Talk 5, Part 1

Part 1 of Session 5 features 6 personal stories on how Blockchain Technology is changing lives around the world.

Join us to understand how your digital identity is more important than ever before to take control of.

CrowdPoint has simplified the process for you. Will you take advantage and become an early adopter too, or wait until the opportunity to emerge as a new Thought Leader has passed?


How BlockChain is Changing Lives - BlockChain Talk 5, Part 1

How BlockChain is Changing Lives - BlockChain Talk 5, Part 1

How BlockChain is Changing Lives - BlockChain Talk 5, Part 2

Part 2 of Session 5 features 4 more personal stories how this new Blockchain Ecosystem is helping people change their lives for the better.

Join Pete De La Torre & Sean OBrien-Brehm, along with some of the first 1000 people who felt called to join this new ecosystem and hear their WHY.


Happiness Ninja Down Under Talk Show

Happiness Ninja Down Under Talk Show

In May 2020 I received a scholarship ticket to Future Now Media conference where I presented my media portfolio from Australia.

In December 2020 I was approached by Bold Braved Media to host a 6 month pilot talk show series.

Happiness Ninja Down Under airs live every Friday 6pm EST on Bold Brave TV.


Media Achievements

Media Achievements

A reflection of The Happiness Ninja media achievements.

Subscribe to my YouTube and Bold Brave TV's as well.


Who is Jamie Rose?

Who is Jamie Rose?

Jamie Rose is an Australian fire cracker in her mid-30’s “living’ the dream” in New York City. A typical cliche story, Jamie moved to The Big Apple in early 2020 to fulfill her hearts’ desires.

Jamie has 20 years working experience across multiple sectors and has traveled to over 30 countries around the world, just for the fun of it.

To find out more about Jamie's mission in life click here.