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Updated by djneskow on May 27, 2022
djneskow djneskow
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My incredible Crowdpoint journey.....from here to beyond!! Could this be you too?

This is a list of my events surrounding my introduction and subsequent joining with the CrowdPoint, Cyber Privacy, and the Advanced Medicine Exchanges.



My Wake-Up Call to Advanced Medicine - Part 1

My Wake-Up Call to Advanced Medicine - Part 1

For so many 2021 has been the year of "up is down", "right is left", "the sky is pink not blue", and so forth. Literally, logic has been turned upside down. In particular with so much medical disinformation out there I had no where to turn. Fortunately, I was introduced to a medical pioneer by the name of Dr. Rashid Buttar. He is the founder of The Centers for Advanced Medicine and the IADFW - International Association for a Disease-Free World.


My Wake-Up Call to Advanced Medicine - Part 2

My Wake-Up Call to Advanced Medicine - Part 2

Simply put, Dr. Buttar's focus is to enable the body to self-heal through a variety of natural health products(available through the Advanced Medicine Marketplace and his application of sophisticated medical protocols(found at the Centers for Advanced Medicine and the IADFW).


My Introduction to Crowdpoint Technologies

My Introduction to Crowdpoint Technologies

Dr. Buttar's beliefs deeply resonated with me. Through his long-term association with Sean Brehm, CEO of Crowdpoint Technologies, I became a distributor with this revolutionary blockchaincompany and through the collective effort of other like-minded individuals we bring forth a superlative range of products and services via our online exchanges while protecting your sacred privacy.

Why Crowdpoint?

You and I are victims of surveillance capitalism where our identities are being exploited by greedy corporations. We are losing our freedom, our economic livelihoods are being compromised. Crowpoint's Blockchain gives you access to products and services in a strong decentralized ecosystem which protects our identities and establishes a level playing field where small business and consumers alike can prosper.

Why Crowdpoint? Part 2

We have heard the phrase, “our strength comes in numbers”. Each new customer is “onboarded” onto the Blockchain making this ecosystem “the community” serviced by an excellent group of like-minded individuals. Our mission both as micropreneurs and customers is to enlarge this community because the larger we are the more powerful we can become to strip away the monopolistic power of this mega corporate environment.


Join The Revolution with US(A)

Join The Revolution with US(A)

Our businesses and communities are being divided, exploited, and censored. But ENOUGH! Let's regain our independence by seizing the moment. Let's Make our small businesses and middle-class Great Again. By promoting the growth of small businesses visit our online store and enjoy our fine products and services. Take it one step further: join our wonderful Crowdpoint team.

7. USA Celebrates Its Independence Day

America's Declaration of Independence was a historical and monumental event allowing it to become what it is today. The launching of Crowdpoint's Advanced Medicine Marketplace is the beginning of OUR independence from the shackles of global Big Tech and Big Pharma, but only if we do it together. Please visit us and see what lies ahead.


You Can't Handle The Truth(?)......

You Can't Handle The Truth(?)...... Jack Nicholson would say in the movie "A Few Good Men". Well, CAN YOU? Have your eyes opened by visiting Advanced Medicine On IMEX. You will learn some of the most compelling information from one of the most censored physicians, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, an outspoken advocate for Medical Truths that "they" don't want you to know.


I’m so excited!!! “Bursting at the seams” update….spread the news.

I’m so excited!!! “Bursting at the seams” update….spread the news.

What's more exciting, the Blockchain Ecosystem with its exchanges and marketplaces opening soon OR, here is the Blockchain Ecosystem finally explained in LAYMAN's terms demonstrating where BOTH consumers and distributors WIN? I think both, but you decide by watching the video and clicking the links below:


Houston: We don't have a problem, we have a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT.

Houston: We don't have a problem, we have a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT.

Houston: we have another major announcement.

Houston: we have another major announcement.