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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for A Guide to Night Snorkeling - Discover underwater wonders with extra excitement
Joanna James Joanna James
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A Guide to Night Snorkeling - Discover underwater wonders with extra excitement

The very thought of snorkelling at night will make you nervous. In reality, it is not. Try out a snorkelling excursion when in Maldives and you will create memories for a lifetime. Swimming around in the dark beneath the still waters will certainly add thrill and excitement. Here is a guide to night snorkelling in Maldives that you should not miss.


Can you snorkel at night?

YES, you can! You will find it a magical experience than snorkelling at night. A key reason as to why many people prefer night snorkelling is because one gets to discover plenty of things that cannot be seen during daytime. Also, it is simply exciting. Octopus, shrimps, lobsters and eels are more active at night. The corals will also seem livelier in the dark than during daytime. Maldives is a great destination for snorkelling and night snorkelling is definitely one of the best things to do in Maldives. If you are wondering how to arrange a snorkelling excursion, try staying in one of the many Maldives resorts such as Amilla Maldives Resort and Residences since its professional team will help you to organise an unforgettable night snorkelling experience.


Creatures to see

You have plenty of things to explore while the ocean is asleep! Direct your dive light around colourful corals, seemingly quiet rocks to spot a hidden octopus creeping out for its next hunt. Certain creatures who hide during the daytime come out at night to feed. If you are luckier, you will be able to see waters containing phosphorescent plankton that emits their own glow. Move your arms and legs a little bit apart to see tiny luminous specks surrounding you. You will also catch sight of an Eagle Ray or similar creature playing around you. There will be magical encounters to expect as well. How does it sound to you to swim with Manta Rays? It is a sublime experience and one of the most amazing snorkel adventures to expect. Do not get afraid as you see a huge winged creature approaching your way out of the depths.


What do you need?

A dive light or a waterproof flashlight is a must when snorkelling at night! You do not need to pack a dive light in your luggage as you head over to Maldives because you can simply rent one once you arrive in Maldives. It will be a great way to spare more luggage space. Make sure the batteries work well before the snorkel excursion. You also need a neoprene top apart from dive lights. It shouldn't be a whole wetsuit necessarily (at least the top) as you need to stay warm amidst cold waters at night. Having a whistle for yourself will be a good idea to send signals to your tour boat or buddy in an emergency moment. It is recommended to do night snorkelling with another buddy in order to avoid unexpected setbacks beneath still waters in the ocean.


Do you need a special camera?

Here is a chance to make your Instagram followers a bit jealous with some amazing night photographs below the sea waters. You do not want to buy a special night-time camera but to avoid slightly blurred captures it is better to set your camera to ISO 1600+ for clearer photos. Avoid using the camera flash as much as possible since it will disturb the ecosystem in the ocean.