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Updated by bradshoultes on Dec 20, 2021
bradshoultes bradshoultes
11 items   39 followers   130 votes   89 views

Brad's exciting and positive CrowdPiont/Advanced Medicine journey

This is a list of my events surrounding CrowdPiont Cyber Privacy and Advanced Medicine Exchange


Advanced Medicine | Dashboard

Super excited about Advanced Medicine and CrowdPoint. In this block chain everywhere you turn there are someone willing to help you. Our community is built to help each other and you, with like-minded and like-motivated people. Check us out, You will not be disappointed.


Advanced medicine

Advanced medicine

Your Health matters! Your body is your temple and this is the way for you to find out how to feed your temple with all natural products


CrowdPoint blockchain is the most secure for your identity

CrowdPoint blockchain is the most secure for your identity

Micropreneurs on this blockchain are a community of like minded people that care and help each other succeed. The security you have with CrowdPoint is an immune since of security, you never have to worry .


I became a micropreneur on CrowdPoint because I full heartedly believe in what this blockchain and Advanced Medicine stands for.
From the time I was a young boy to becoming a US Army veteran, I’ve always had a compassion for helping people any way possible. I found this will be the best opportunity to achieve this. It’s like supporting your hometown, family-owned store instead of big business. The products listed are the best that I’ve discovered.

iframely: Thank you

ATTENTION: VERY EXCITING TIMES ARE HAPPENING. A community of people from around the world that believe in the best for all. Our CrowdPoint/Advanced Medicine Block chain was built for small businesses not pharmaceutical companies. Only the best all natural products from around the world are offered.


I became a micropreneur on CrowdPoint because I full heartedly believe in what this blockchain and Advanced Medicine stands for.
CrowdPoint provides small businesses NOT big pharmaceutical companies opportunities. These small business products have to be hand selected and are all-natural which will be a healthy and safe way to live.
You can also check out Advanced Medicine at my personnel ID LINKAdvanced Medicine


CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine is first and foremost looking out for your identity on this blockchain. Second we are here to help you by offering these all natural safe products for you and your family. These products are hand selected from around the world. Third we are helping the small businesses with all natural products that are not part of pharmaceutical corporations.


The BEST Blockchain is coming

The BEST Blockchain is coming

Here is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the Best Blockchain out there.
CrowdPoint / Advanced Medicine is here to help the small businesses, YOUR Identity cybersecurity and provide only the best of all natural products.
HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE A MICROPRENUER..... your first step is to click on the link above

Blockchain Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

What is a Blockchain? A secure and safe way to make transactions. Take back your identity use it to benefit you! Check out this link, you will not be disappointed.

Advanced Medicine | Dashboard

Advanced Medicine Is the Best advice you could ever hope for, for your health. CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine is a revolutionary Blockchain. Here is your chance to get in before it explodes and becomes a household name.LINK The best decision you will ever make

Website at

Advanced Medicine and CrowdPoint offers the best and healthiest water you could ever drink. Changing your heath starts here. AdvancedMedicine and/or CrowdPoint