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Updated by Rodney Shoultes on Jan 15, 2022
Headline for Rodney's CrowdPoint Journey
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Rodney's CrowdPoint Journey

This is a list of my events surrounding CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange and Advance Medicine Exchange. Here you will find out why and how I got started with such a great company!



CrowdPoint powers the blockchain ecosystem!

CrowdPoint powers the blockchain ecosystem!

CrowdPoint powers a blockchain ecosystem that will give you a private and secure buying experience! You can learn my by going to the Advanced Medicine Exchange to learn more. Enjoy your experience!


Health the way it should be!

Health the way it should be!

Advanced Medicine Exchange is here to help people not only find great products that have been vetted, but to also take control over the way we treat our health! Soon you will find other sectors on the CrowdPoint blockchain ecosystem!


CrowdPoint protecting the Human Identity!

CrowdPoint protecting the Human Identity!

CrowdPoint and the Advanced Medicine Exchange are taking protecting people and their identities to a whole new level with the blockchain! Click these links to enjoy the journey!


Advanced Medicine Exchange

Advanced Medicine Exchange

Advanced Medicine Exchange is an ecosystem on the blockchain powered by CrowdPoint. With every transaction you will receive a complimentary onboarding to the blockchain for a safe and secure experience!


Helping Hands of the Advanced Medicine Exchange

Helping Hands of the Advanced Medicine Exchange

Advanced Medicine Exchange is the helping hands we have all been waiting for! Yes real products that are pure and organic. They have been vetted by the best people in the medical field with good intentions. You will find more at Advanced Medicine.


Identity is yours and yours alone!

Identity is yours and yours alone!

CrowdPoint is your trusted agent in and untrusted world! You now control how your digital identity is used. Advanced Medicine Exchange is not only providing you the most pure and safe products, but we are also partnered with CrowdPoint to give you the best online experience!

Blockchain Talk Session 5 Part 1

If you haven't heard of blockchain you should listen up quick before opportunities pass you by!
CrowdPoint is powering a blockchain ecosystem that will change the world!

Blockchain Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

Blockchain is changing the world! Click to see how CrowdPoint is powering their blockchain ecosystem to be a part of the solution!
Advanced Medicine Exchange is the first sector of this new ecosystem and will change your life! Come enjoy the experience with us at CrowdPoint!




CrowdPoint is changing gaming?
Not sure yet where this is going but they are changing the world as we know it! CrowdPoint and their blockchain ecosystem is starting the a new way of doing business and giving small business owners a way to take back the world!


Identity Protection

Identity Protection

CrowdPoint believes that everyone should have a choice in how their digital identity is used! When you perform any transaction with Advanced Medicine Exchange you are onboarded to the blockchain for a safe and secure transaction every time. You choose how to use your identity, not the big companies! Click the link to be part of this life changing technology!


A Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World!

A Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World!

A trusted agent says it all. CrowdPoint offers the best in security with this ecosystem on the blockchain! The people behind this great ecosystem are the best of servant leaders! They designed this ecosystem with people in mind. You get to pick your own digital identity and even get the say in how you use it.

Enjoy your experience with CrowdPoint Secure Exchanges


Advanced Medicine Exchange

Advanced Medicine Exchange

Give yourself a helping hand with Advanced Medicine Exchange. Here you are in charge of your health and what goes into your body! That's right, we only have products that our pure and been through a strict vetting process to make it into this beautiful ecosystem powered by CrowdPoint!