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Updated by sydni2u on May 27, 2022
Headline for Syd's FANTASTIC Journey with CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange and the Advanced Medicine Exchange!!!
sydni2u sydni2u
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Syd's FANTASTIC Journey with CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange and the Advanced Medicine Exchange!!!

This a record of my UNBELIEVABLE experience surrounding the CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange and Advanced Medicine Exchange.


iframely: Advanced Medicine Exchange

The HEALTH of the FUTURE is here.

Please click this link to learn more.

To take the FREE AHEAD MAP Assessment go to this link


Learn about the CENSORED TRUTH IN MEDICINE. Watch 4 of the lectures in their entirety, completely FREE from our Advanced Medicine Conference 2021 held over Memorial Day Weekend in South Dakota. Watch the content of these 4 lectures and then you decide if you need to get the remaining 80% of the life-changing content as well.

The Advanced Medicine Exchange mission is to combine medical advances and scientific research with highly efficacious treatment and wellness technologies to empower the individual with information to make personal health choices.

Advanced Medicine is Medicine that is “beyond others in progress and ideas”, “beyond the elementary or introductory”, “greatly developed” and “much evolved”. It is the medicine of the Future, today. Simply stated, it is Medicine that is Advanced and ahead of its time!





Today the global industry is powered by the HUMAN IDENTITY, you are the global currency that keeps the global interconnected economy moving.

CrowdPoint has built a BLOCKCHAIN ECOSYSTEM that is powered by the Decentralized ID. There are 11 Primary Industry Categories and Sectors.

Energy / Materials / Industrial / Consumer Discretionary/ Consumer Staples/ Health Care / Financials / Information Technology / Communications / Utilities / Real Estate

ALL of which will soon be a part of our Ecosystem Marketplace.




CrowdPoint is a global Digital Marketplace powered by **the new oil DATA

CrowdPoint uses Big Data Analytics and AI to curate data to become information.
CrowdPoint leverages the power of the blockchain to democratize and defend the data. CrowdPoint uses democratized data to support verticals with leads that are tokenized
And more ....




I came to know of Dr. Buttar when a dear friend of mine mentioned this rogue doctor who was taking on the world with his outspokenness by blowing the whistle on the Coronavirus shenanigans intrigued me because I am not nor ever been any kind of fan of Western medicine.

Since I am all about health from what you put on your body, in your body, what you think and comes out of your mouth hence creating your reality, thereby eliminating or at best minimizing the toxins that one is exposed to.

Click this LINK for more information.

Dr. B’s website and beliefs in treatment, health and well-being resonated so strongly for and with me. His approach to cancer, autism and other life altering threatening disease thru methodology that Western medicine often overlooks.

After listening to one of Dr. Buttar's videos for me it was a no brainer I immediately joined without hesitation. I did not want to miss out on any other pearls of wisdom or goodness he was sharing. Well, the rest is history as I have been a follower for better than a year now and have not looked back.

I was then introduced to CrowdPoint Cyber Privacy Exchange] via Dr. Buttar and what is also the Advanced Medicine Exchange. Yet another great decision and both opportunities will indubitably change my life forever and for the better. As I hope it will do the same for you if you are able to see the opportunities presented to you.

As a member of the Advanced Medicine
Exchange I/you will have access to the highest quality health and wellness products and services that are in line with one of my passions.

As your CrowdPoint Distributors I can bring YOUR products or services to the appropriate marketplace(s) for P3 approval. Once your product or service is approved & on the CrowdPoint platform after meeting the P3 criteria of Protection, Performance, Privacy, CrowdPoint Distributors and Resellers can then sell your products worldwide. (Hint: YOU can be your **OWN distributor or reseller!)

We LQQK for small businesses, mom and pop shops that need some way to grow their business or who have products or services they want to get into our ecosystem and MarketPlace. In essence we will bring Wall Street to Main Street businesses.

Being privileged to be a part of both exchanges will be my pleasure to assist you in whatever you need whether serving you as my customer, representing your company in bringing your product(s) or services to the board for consideration, and or thru your participation as a Distributor, Seller, and or Technician. Yes, you can do all three if so inclined.

Ultimately WE ALL WIN!!!

I look forward to being of service to you as we journey this path together helping as many people along the way who will allow and enable us to do so.

Interested? Give yourself the Gift of Life with Optimal Health... Click this LINK or this LINK

Privacy, Protection & Security = CROWDPOINT

You are here because you were guided to this place at this time. Everything happens for a reason, time, and a season and this is your time and season, and you and only you know the reason.

I for one am glad you were drawn to stop and take a look... really take a look. Often times we humans are so busy clicking here or there skimming and not fully grasping or taking in what is presented to us or is in front of us.

You will find a plethora of information and knowledge dropped that you can not not investigate further by coming in and checking us out. We will be glad you did. You will be glad you did.

So come on in the water is fine !!!




The Power of the Crowd creates a new point in business where central authority will no longer control your assets anymore. CrowdPoint is leveraging the Blockchain to assist in organizing the Power of the Crowd to help EVERY Individual on this planet to free themselves from SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM to TRUE CAPITALISM.





Data that is PERSONALLY identifiable to an individual becomes information when the veracity of the identity has been validated. An identity now has value.

An assembly of lines of data could be your full legal name, social security number, address, date of birth, and mobile phone number, for the price of a meal at a fast-food joint!

This is unfair, not only is it more than enough of an assembly of data to commit identity fraud/theft, it also denies the consumer the value that is theirs.

CrowdPoint provides technology to protect your digital and physical risk. For homes and families we provide specialized child privacy protection, personal cybersecurity and technology repair and installation.

Homes and businesses depend on digitization and accelerated transactions to survive.

For businesses we provide enterprise level protection at an affordable price.
The CrowdPoint agents, technicians and members defend your privacy in the physical and digital domain through its cyber privacy technologies and services.




Small businesses have been shut down while the big companies have been prosperous, however, the Blockchain levels the playing field...

It once again allows innovators, Micropreneurs and entrepreneurs to beat the status quo.

Connecting buyers with sellers.

American Capitalism has become new feudalism, the Power of the Crowd will return it to its roots where fairness and the best players win.

Introducing Capitalism powered by the value of the new oil.
Data=Oil Value= Refined Information = Fuel ALL = IDENTITY

BlockChain will DEFEAT Neo Feudalism


● Do you have a health & wellness product or service to sell?
● Do you think your current marketing budget provides too few customers?
● Do you want to take your business into the future & learn how to use blockchain?

Enroll as a DISTRIBUTOR/ RESELLER or TECHNICIAN with CrowdPoint OR collaborate with an existing CrowdPoint Distributor to become a global first-mover!

Your product is matched precisely with the demand of your customer.

CrowdPoint Distributors bring YOUR products to the appropriate marketplace(s) for P3 approval. Once your product is approved & on the CrowdPoint platform (after meeting the P3 criteria of Protection, Performance, Privacy), CrowdPoint Resellers can then sell your products worldwide. (Hint: YOU can be your OWN distributor or reseller!)

Long for luxurious healthy hair... Get it with Vital Elements

The Vital Elements Hair Loss process increases hair growth and strength, reactivates and encourages cell growth, and blocks DHT. Vital Elements formulated all their products on a Saw Palmetto foundation and then infused them with CBD and terpenes. All these products provide a massive benefit to assisting with the thickening of your hair. Vital Elements


This is a laugh-out-loud political board game that satirizes the frustrating antics from America’s Political Left. Fueled by liberal tears, it is made for conservatives by conservatives. Created by Chris McMahan, this is a game that the socialist, politically correct, cancel culture mob is going to hate. The Game




I would like to take this time to tell you how excited I am that you have decided to join the POWER OF THE CROWD

I know for me being a part of something this huge something that is sure to undoubtedly be known as the 4th Revolution is mind boggling. This is the very best decision and investment I have made in awhile towards my future and what will be my legacy. Being part of making history and on the favorable side of that history-making delights my soul.

The excitement of knowing that I am able to share this with others with the hope they too will see the vision thusly changing their lives for the better forever.

What more can one ask? Each One Teach One is something I believe in.