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Updated by anthony3197 on Nov 22, 2021
Headline for The CrowdPoint Exchange Journey: A Trusted Agent In An Untrusted World
anthony3197 anthony3197
10 items   50 followers   55 votes   37 views

The CrowdPoint Exchange Journey: A Trusted Agent In An Untrusted World

The CrowdPoint and Advanced Medicine Exchange Journey: How you can be a part of the blockchain revolution



CrowdPoint: The Power of the Blockchain

CrowdPoint: The Power of the Blockchain

Powered by the Human Identity: YOU

There is a common misconception that you own your data. Well, you don't- Big Tech does. But why should you care? Because your data has value and is monetized! CrowdPoint protects your data through the blockchain and allows you to be the owner of your own data. Isn't it time you make money off your data instead of Big Tech?

CrowdPoint Advanced Medicine

Check this out!

Coming out of college, I didn't think it was possible to have financial freedom at a young age. The plan was to go to college, get a good job, save, and retire by 65. Financial freedom was for Wall Street. CrowdPoint disrupted that notion. CrowdPoint brought financial freedom to Main Street. A level playing field for the Micropreneur that allows me to compete with the big names. The time for the 99% has begun.


The Advanced Medicine Exchange

The Advanced Medicine Exchange

The leader in the world's most effective advanced medicine products


CrowdPoint Technologies

CrowdPoint Technologies

CrowdPoint's decentralized blockchain platform levels the playing field and allows Main Street to compete with Wall Street


The Power of the Blockchain

The Power of the Blockchain

The power of the blockchain is upon us. The CrowdPoint blockchain technologies allow people and businesses to exchange values with one another directly, all while keeping data secure and private!

Blockchain explained simply

Have you been hearing the word blockchain everywhere but don’t really know what it is or how it works? Check out this two minute explanation on how blockchain works

Introduction to AMeX and CPeX Powered by CrowdPoint

Introduction to AMeX and CPeX Powered by CrowdPoint Technologies

The Blockchain Revolution

We hear about it all the time, but what exactly is blockchain? And how will it impact the world?

Get on board or you will miss the train...

Blockchain Talk Session 4

"Decentralized Identifiers", your opportunity to protect and maximize YOUR identity! Our special guest is Sean O'Brien-Brehm, Founder of CrowdPoint Technologies.