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Updated by thsharp54 on Apr 09, 2023
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Domains Frequently Asked Questions, Resources and Registering Information

Domain Names. What are They. Do I need one. How to use them. Check out our tips and explanations for some fairly common questions about domain registration

The Benefits of Owning Your Own Domain and Personalized Email

No matter what your name is, there are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of other people who share the same name. Once you own your own domain, you can do anything you want with it. If you are a business owner, you can use it to host your online store or share critical information with a global customer base. Not only that it helps your overall branding online to your customers and soon to be customers.

Domain Names FAQs -Frequently Asked Questions - Q&A

This is a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about domain names.
Question: What is a Domain Name? Answer: A domain name represents your "address" on the Internet
Question: Who should register a domain name? Answer: Anyone trying to establish a presence on the Internet should register a domain name. Domains can be brands, trademarks, service marks, company names, products, services, family names, your name, organizations, interests, etc.

Domain Names and Registration - Glossary of Terms

From RSH Web Services. Glossary of technical terms for domain name registration and hosting. Domain Name Registration. Glossary of Terms Associated with the Internet and Domains. A Record: This setting is used to point a domain name to a specific IP address.

Choose the Best Domain Extension for Your Website

Dot Com Domain Names. Are no longer Your only choice. Choose the Best Domain Extension for Your Website. All the Domains listed here work the same as .com. With the introduction of different gTLDs (domain extensions) You have a chance to get the Domain Name you really want

Domain Length Research - How Important Is URL Length? - Choosing a Domain Name

Conventional wisdom has it that a short, memorable domain is essential for website success. We analyze domain name lengths for the most popular websites. The results of our domain length research may surprise you!

Secure Hosting for your Business Website with SSL & Domains

With worldwide clients, Since 1997 continuing to be one of the most recognized Hosts. Secure and reliable, No long term contracts and never a price increase. Whether you are looking for a hosting account or domain name. Using WordPress to create and maintain your website. Or code your site by hand like ours is. We have the tools, the service and experienced team to support you

Finding That Perfect Domain Name for your Website

Your domain name is often the first point of contact people have. Your personal or professional website is all about making a strong first impression. Choose a domain name for your website that looks as great as your work

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Learn how to choose a good hosting provider for all your Internet services. Some of the most common web hosting mistakes that can hurt your online presence. Common Web Hosting Mistakes When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider. Mistakes that can Hurt your Online Presence

What is dedicated hosting? - INAP

Dedicated hosting provides full access to server resources (CPU, Memory, Disk Space) dedicated to a Dedicated hosting provides full access to server resources (CPU, Memory, Disk Space) dedicated to a single customer for use as needed. Dedicated hosting is considered single-tenant, meaning one owner or administrator controls the entire server and its resources.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Explained | IBM

A VPS, or virtual private server, is a form of multi-tenant cloud hosting in which virtualized server resources. Each VPS is installed on a physical machine, operated by the cloud or hosting provider, that runs multiple VPSs. But while the VPSs share a hypervisor and underlying hardware, each VPS runs its own operating system (OS) and applications and reserves its own portion of the machine's resources

What Is Shared Hosting? Is It Good? (Beginner's Guide)

What is shared hosting? It might be perfect for your site. We cover the pros and cons and tell you who the best shared hosting providers are. Because you’re sharing space with other accounts, hosts are able to offer lower prices, which is why shared hosting is the most popular type of hosting, especially for beginners.

What is SSL, TLS and HTTPS? | DigiCert

What is SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are an integral part of website security. When you visit a website with SSL, the site’s SSL certificate enables you to encrypt the data you send - such as credit card information, names or addresses – so it can’t be accessed by hackers.

Why I Don’t Use GoDaddy (And You Shouldn’t Either) - Karvel Digital

So when the average, non-technical person finds themselves in need of a website, GoDaddy is often the first name that comes to mind. I can no longer tolerate the pain of dealing with GoDaddy's horrible service on behalf of my clients. Here are the reasons why. Don't use GoDaddy.

Why Free Web Hosting is a Bad Idea?

Contrary to paid hosting services, free web hosting is an unpaid service for hosting the website on shared servers. There is a misconception that free hosting saves money and businesses don’t need to spend on hosting. The problem is, these services are suitable for personal and hobby sites where quality and reliability are not critical

Best Hosting Review Websites - Are They Fake?

How to tell if a review site is just an Affiliate Website? Some are the biggest name Review Websites like CNET and are nothing more than. Almost all "Best Web Hosting Reviews" found online are not review sites at all. Learn how to spot these fake review websites and how you can do your own comparison when shopping for a great web hosting company

Manage your photo collection with Piwigo

Just want to add my "props" to the folks at Piwigo for the great product they have put out for their clients. I create a Piwigo photo album for each of the websites I create and walk each client through the "how to's" of Piwigo, which is very user friendly. I have tried other photo albums in the past and have always come back to Piwigo not just because it's free, but because it is honestly... the... see more

What is the Best Self-Hosted Image App, Program, or Script?

Control your own Self Hosted Image Website. It's Your site, Your rules, say goodbye to restrictions. Image Hosting Scripts, Self-hosted Photo Sharing. When you can easily upload them to your very own Photo Album, showing off your pics, or making them into books or letting friends and family print copies. Some of these programs will even allow you to sell your photos right online

Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS —

Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or app. Beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

What is the Best Self-Hosted Blog Programs, Scripts or Apps?

Starting a Self Hosted Blog that you own. Do with what you like. Take it with you if you leave, Listing 18 of the most popular Blogs, and get a SSD and SSL Included in the process. Starting off with the wrong platform can make it very difficult to switch later on. Especially if you want to expand your site, introduce online shopping, or other growth minded efforts

Joomla Content Management System (CMS) - try it! It's free!

Joomla! is the mobile-ready and user-friendly way to build your website. Choose from thousands of features and designs. Joomla! is free and open source. Website software available Joomla is one of the CMS development platforms that is designed to be easy to install and set up. Joomla CMS tools for website development are easy to use for anyone

What is the Best Self-Hosted CMS Programs, Scripts or Apps?

Starting a Website that you own. Select the best Self Hosted CMS engine for your website, Content Management System's, SSD and SSL Included included. If you want to attract a great number of visitors to your Site - And keep them around. Then not only will you need a attractive CMS, but a fast loading, engaging, with great content, pictures, videos, and graphics

Free Shopping Cart Application and Open Source Ecommerce Solution

A free shopping cart application. AbanteCart is an open source ecommerce platform based on PHP. It is an ideal ecommerce solution for small to medium businesses. You Can Sell on Your Existing Website Quick and Easy. It is as simple as copy and paste your products into your blog, article or any web page

What is the Best Self-Hosted E-Commerce Programs, Scripts or Apps?

Starting a online store that you own. Select the best Self Hosted E-Commerce scripts for your website, and get a SSD and SSL Included in the process. There is just so many on the Internet today. There are different requirements to compare, different features, abilities, designs, so on and so on. We want to help you find the best choice and even let you try out any or all of the scripts listed below So that you can make an informed decision for you online store


The MediaWiki software is used by tens of thousands of websites and thousands of companies and organizations. It powers Wikipedia and also this website. MediaWiki helps you collect and organize knowledge and make it available to people. It's powerful, multilingual, free and open, extensible, customizable, reliable, and free of charge. Find out more and if MediaWiki is right for you.

What is the Best Self-Hosted Wiki Programs, Scripts or Apps?

Starting a Self Hosted Wiki that you own. Select the best Wikis for your website, Listing 5 of the most popular Wikis, The word Wiki means fast in Hawaiian. Wikis are growing in popularity because they are about as simple as any web app. Wikis will allow a individual or group of people to edit the website with little or no knowledge of coding