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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Spotting the Arabian Oryx in its natural habitat
Joanna James Joanna James
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Spotting the Arabian Oryx in its natural habitat

The Arabian oryx is probably one of the most unique and elusive creatures that live in the vast reaches of deserts in the middle east. They have been hunted till they nearly became extinct but with the valiant and ambitious effort of nature lovers and government officials, their numbers are on the rise. Among the few places you could see these marvellous creatures in person, the Sir Bani Yas island houses the highest concentration of wild oryxes and you could see them up close and personal if you plan your stay at resort properties the likes of Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara. Here is a glimpse of how exciting the experience of seeing them in the wild could be.


Wildlife tour

Wildlife tour



herd of Oryx in the park

herd of Oryx in the park