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Updated by IETM Code and Pixels on Mar 14, 2024
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SSC Syllabus, Smart Class | Digital Teacher

SSC Syllabus, Smart Class | Digital Teacher

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S1000D Infographics Code And Pixels | Pearltrees

S1000D is an Interactive Electronic Technical Publishing IETP. It’s also called IETM too. Which are classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5. IETM is the replacement of paper work which is equivalent for a paper- based presentation.

Do we really need IETM Class IV Level 4 Do we have any alternatives | Pearltrees

Well If I answer this question in one word, it’s YES. OEM definitely needs IETM.
Then I need to justify why “YES” And about alternatives if any. Now IETM has become a mandatory deliverable when OEM is supplying any Electrical, Mechanical or electronic systems to the Navy/IAF/Army All manuals i.e. UHB, Technical Manuals soft copies / PDFs anyhow how will be given on DVD and the same will also be given as Hard copies. IETM software /DVD is also supplied along with them.

IETM Development Process

Code and Pixels is an S1000D and IETM development company delivered 25 projects. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) range from Level 3 , 4 and 5. Using the IETM authoring tool, these hyperlinks and hot spots, links to related topics and the glossary is created dynamically. There is a misconception about IETM.