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Updated by Keto Hub DMCC on Apr 01, 2023
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Keto Hub Blogs

KETO HUB DMCC, the growing business venture in Dubai, UAE


Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Keto Diet

With Keto Hub DMCC, we help beginners like you to enjoy delicious and hearty meals, while keeping your carbs on track and your healthy fats accounted. With over 200 meals in our menu, you have the luxury of having a different meal every single day for a whole month, unlike other meal plan businesses in the region.

4 Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Meals With Keto Hub DMCC

You can easily order ready-made meals from food delivery apps or prepare your own meals in your kitchen so why bother subscribing to Keto Hub DMCC?

The Dos and Don'ts of Keto

Did you know that if done properly, the keto diet can burn 10x the number of calories than a regular diet?

Common Mistakes While On A Keto Diet

_News flash: _It's not just replacing carbs to fats! To be effective, the ketogenic diet requires an analysis of your current body state, counting macros, maintaining a physical fitness routine, knowing the food you can eat, and whatnot.

How Keto Hub Prepares Your Meals | Keto Hub DMCC

Meal preparation is not an easy task - especially if you have your eye on your weight and you're craving at the same time! This is why we at Keto Hub give you the option to leave the meal plan

The Importance Of Counting Macros In A Keto Diet | Keto Hub DMCC

Upon hopping into the ketogenic lifestyle, you’ve probably been advised to count or keep track of your macros for an effective diet, but do you know what it means and why counting macros is essentia

A Quick Guide To Intermittent Fasting | Keto Hub DMCC

What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting means reducing your meal frequency and eating only within a specific
window of time. The most common method of this is the 16/8 method where you ab

The Health Benefits Of Keto Aside From Weight-Loss | Keto Hub DMCC

As a high fat low-carb diet, keto has given promising results and has proven to benefit several health conditions on top of helping your body to lose weight, maintain an ideal physique, and eventually improve your quality of life in many ways.

How Much Weight Loss You Can Expect From Keto | Keto Hub DMCC

By now, you’ve probably heard the success stories or have stumbled upon a couple before/after
photos with a drastic weight-loss transformation of people who undergo keto.

No doubt weight loss is

4 Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Meals With Keto Hub DMCC | Keto Hub DMCC

You can easily order ready-made meals from food delivery apps or prepare your own meals in your kitchen so why bother subscribing to Keto Hub DMCC?

The Dos and Don'ts of Keto | Keto Hub DMCC

Did you know that if done properly, the keto diet can burn 10x the number of calories than a regular diet? No wonder the Keto diet is gaining more and more popularity!
Along with a new diet is also a

4 Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Meals With Keto Hub DMCC | Keto Hub DMCC

You can easily order ready-made meals from food delivery apps or prepare your own meals in your kitchen so why bother subscribing to Keto Hub DMCC?
1.     Your time is precious

What Is Keto Fatigue And How To Battle It | Keto Hub DMCC

Did you recently start on your keto diet journey? Do you suddenly feel tired all the time? Do you
feel like you’re getting sick? Don’t worry! It’s simply part of the process. It’s perfectly n

The Health Benefits Of Weight Loss | Keto Hub DMCC

Obesity has been a one of the major health problems according to the Center of Disease
Control, and more than 40% of the US population are obese. The said health problem has been
linked to a lot o

4 Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Meals With Keto Hub DMCC | Keto Hub DMCC

You can easily order ready-made meals from food delivery apps or prepare your own meals in your kitchen so why bother subscribing to Keto Hub DMCC?

The Dos and Don'ts of Keto | Keto Hub DMCC

Did you know that if done properly, the keto diet can burn 10x the number of calories than a regular diet? No wonder the Keto diet is gaining more and more popularity!
Along with a new diet is also a

Common Mistakes While On A Keto Diet | Keto Hub DMCC

Consuming more healthy fat is crucial in this diet since you are limiting carb intake; and not consuming the right amount of fat may not only affect but also impair your hormone function and metabolism.

In each meal you take, make sure that 75% of the calories come from healthy fats, 20% from protein, and only 5% from carbs.

How Keto Hub Prepares Your Meals | Keto Hub DMCC

Meal preparation is not an easy task - especially if you have your eye on your weight and you're craving at the same time! This is why we at Keto Hub give you the option to leave the meal planning and preparation to us so you can focus entirely on your new lifestyle and make way for a fit and healthier you.

The Importance Of Counting Macros In A Keto Diet | Keto Hub DMCC

Upon hopping into the ketogenic lifestyle, you’ve probably been advised to count or keep track of your macros for an effective diet, but do you know what it means and why counting macros is essentia

A Quick Guide To Intermittent Fasting | Keto Hub DMCC

What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting means reducing your meal frequency and eating only within a specific
window of time. The most common method of this is the 16/8 method where you ab

The Health Benefits Of Keto Aside From Weight-Loss | Keto Hub DMCC

Did you know that keto is originally studied and implemented to treat epilepsy and reduce seizures?

As a high fat low-carb diet, keto has given promising results and has proven to benefit several health conditions on top of helping your body to lose weight, maintain an ideal physique, and eventually improve your quality of life in many ways.

How Much Weight Loss You Can Expect From Keto | Keto Hub DMCC

By now, you’ve probably heard the success stories or have stumbled upon a couple before/after
photos with a drastic weight-loss transformation of people who undergo keto.

No doubt weight loss is

What Is Keto Fatigue And How To Battle It | Keto Hub DMCC

These are some of the ways you can get your groove back whilst on a keto diet. However, if you’re still fatigued after a week or two, there might be another problem you need to address. That’s when you should consult with a doctor already.

In the long run, the sacrifices and possible side effects will have been worth it as you crush your weight goals, and achieve your dream body. When you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Sacrifice comes before success.

The Health Benefits Of Weight Loss | Keto Hub DMCC

Obesity has been a one of the major health problems according to the Center of Disease Control, and more than 40% of the US population are obese. The said health problem has been linked to a lot of serious health issues such as diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and many more. However, there are lots of reasons why a person wants to lose weight. It can be the medical and lifestyle benefits, the improvement of quality of relationship, or the build-up of self-confidence.