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Updated by Jackson Middleton on Jul 23, 2020
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Identity Theft | Scams | Other Forms of Trickery

Here is a list designed to provide information to Canadians about Identity Theft, Scams and any other form of trickery bad guys are trying to separate you from your money or the things you love!


BMO customer's account emptied of $87K as bank falls for scam

A Bank of Montreal customer is going public about how the bank wired $87,500 of his inheritance money into the hands of a scammer. "My parents worked all their lives and put that bit away every week and they left it to myself and my sister," said BMO customer Bruce Taylor.

Scammers Impersonate Canadian Revenue Agency | CityNews

CityNews reporter Natalie Duddridge spoke to one man who turned the tables on the fraudsters.

Fraudulent Schemes That Target The Elderly

Fraud is the number one crime against older Canadians - hitting as many as one in five seniors - according to People over the age of 65 are especially vulnerable to fraudulent schemes for a number of reasons: They often live alone and are home most of the day to answer the phone and the door.

BBB Warns of Advance Fee Loan Scam

3/12/2013 The Better Business Bureau serving the Atlantic Provinces has received numerous inquiries about a company by the name of Keytown Institution, who claim to provide consumer and business loans. Although they claim to be located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the BBB has been unable to locate them.

Protect Yourself From Real Estate Scams [List] | First Foundation

The following is a how to guide on avoiding real estate scams ror the regular homeowner. 6 steps to protect you and your family. Written by Angela West, with sass and highlights added by Jackson Middleton. It seems like a month doesn't go by without a report of a r eal estate scam in the media.

Top 6 real estate scams and how to avoid them | Globe and Mail

The following article is from Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine. Fraud and investment scams abound at all levels of the real estate market - whether it be a contractor who charges hundreds of dollars for work not done to an "investment agent" who embezzles hundreds of millions - protecting yourself can require a measure of vigilance and legwork, but it can also come down to exercising skepticism and common sense.

E-mail Fraud / Phishing | RCMP

Recognize it What is Phishing? Phishing is a general term for e-mails, text messages and websites fabricated and sent by criminals and designed to look like they come from well-known and trusted businesses, financial institutions and government agencies in an attempt to collect personal, financial and sensitive information.

Preventing Identity Theft

How can I reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of identity theft? You can limit the potential for fraud by remembering a few key tips: 1. When using your credit cards: Carry only the identification and credit cards you need when traveling, whether locally or abroad.

Postal Security | Canada Post

Protection of the mail, information, personnel and of Canada Post. Protect your identity. Prevent mail theft. Collect your mail promptly after delivery. If you'll be away, let us hold your mail until you return. When you move: If your bills fail to arrive, contact companies immediately to ensure bills have not been fraudulently redirected.

Identity Theft Prevention Tips | AMA

Key information criminals need to steal your identity: Name Current address Date of birth Social Insurance Number Mother's maiden name (often used as a password) Once acquiring your personal information thieves can: Obtain credit reports by posing as a landlord, employer, creditor, etc. Skim credit and debit account numbers as your card is processed.

Fraud Awareness | Service Alberta

PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY Protect your personal information and you will protect yourself against identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada. Identity theft occurs when personal information (social insurance number, credit card, birth certificate, driver's licence or other identifying information) is used without an individual's knowledge or consent to commit a crime, such as fraud or theft.

Fact Sheet: Identity Theft: What it is and what you can do about it | Privacy Commisioner

Identity Theft: What it is and what you can do about it Every year, thousands of people are victims of identity theft. While recent developments in telecommunications and computer processing make it easier for companies and consumers to reach each other, they can also scatter your personal information more widely, making life easier for criminals.

Identifying Fraud & Identity Theft | TransUnion Canada

TransUnion is a credit reporting agency in Canada. Here are some best practices in identifying fraud and identity theft including best practices to avoid getting scammed.

The Latest Credit Card Scam | RCMP Terrace BC

2013-06-27 10:37 PDT This is a heads up for everyone regarding the latest in credit card fraud, the Card Info Scam. This one is pretty slick because they provide you with all of the information except the one piece they want from you, the security number on the back of your card.

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