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Updated by eyemantrauser7 on Jun 17, 2021
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EyeMantra is Delhi's leading eye hospital with top eye clinics & doctors. Specialized in Cataract, Lasik, Cornea, & Glaucoma surgery.

The spread of COVID-19 can only be stopped if we take proper precautions. The use of masks prevents the entering of virus particles into the nose and mouth. Some eye care tips during COVID-19 are listed in this article.

People who have previous eye injuries and previous family history of cataract surgery have increased chances of getting cataracts.

Conjunctivitis or inflammation of the conjunctiva is commonly referred to as pink eye or red-eye. In this, pain, burning, itchiness may occur

The sclera is that white part of the eye, which forms a troublesome, outer coating to guard the eyeball. It is covered with a membrane called conjunctive

PRK Laser Surgery: Side Effect And Recovery | PRK vs Lasik Surgery

PRK laser surgery is performed to correct your refractive error to improve your vision. It is used to treat myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism

So, an outside particle that enters the eye is known as a foreign body, and its presence can result in several kinds of eye ailments.

Being legally blind is different from permanent blindness as the person with legal blindness can see some things but most of the image formed is not clear.

Eye boogers are a small white or yellow eye discharge that is either in the crusty or moist form present in the corner of the eyes.

Eye socket fracture occurs when your eye gets hit by some hard object such as steering wheel, fist, and more. It can be cured by antibiotics

Black Eye Treatment: Home Remedies And Clinical Treatment

Black eye treatment can be easily done with home remedies but proper medical aid is required in extreme cases. It can be healed within a week

Cataract prevention includes easy tips like avoiding smoking, take a healthy diet full of nutrients & vitamins, and control on consumption of sugar

If you have brown eyes, you are just a part of the crowd who have the same eye color. But you will not realize that how valuable and unique it is

Bloodshot eyes (red-eye) can possibly be due to the expansion or dilation of the blood vessels present at the surface of the eye.

cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye which leads to a decrease in vision. Cataracts often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis usually happens when a person’s eyes make contact with an allergen, which makes the body’s system overreact.

Take care of eyes by eating a healthy diet. Your diet ought to embody masses of fruits and vegetables, particularly green vegetables.

Photos nowadays are proving effective for detecting eye illness as cameras are able to do an early-stage diagnosis. - EyeMantra

Dry eye is a chronic medical condition when the eye's tear film doesn't produce tears. But remember most dry eye conditions are treatable.

Ingrown eyelashes grow inwards (i.e. into the eye) instead of growing outwards. This condition is also known as trichiasis.

Eye Injury In Common | How To Treat And Prevent Them

Eye injury can occur from various things like getting hit by a ball accidentally. Get to know about the different types of eye injuries

The puffy eyes and dark circles are seen below the eye are caused by various factors such as less sleep and rest.

Eye styes is an infection at the edge of the eyelid, usually caused by staphylococcal bacteria. Treatment includes compresses, antibiotic ointments

Computer Effect on Eyes: Causes, Symptoms And Tips for Relief in Delhi

Computer Effect on Eyes or CVS strains the eyes by working on a computer for a prolonged time. Know here how to best treat them.

Eye pain refers to the condition in which one may feel sudden discomfort in or around the eyes. People may feel irritated.

Fungal Eye Infections: Types, Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery in Delhi

The most common way for someone to grow a fungal eye infection is a consequence of an eye injury, especially if the injury was caused by plant material such as stick or thorn.