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Updated by Mike Mueller on Jan 17, 2014
Mike Mueller Mike Mueller
5 items   3 followers   0 votes   161 views

Incredible Bloggers!

Crowd sourcing a list of incredible bloggers you should check out. Add yourself or people you admire. add by the LINK and then tell us what they write about and why we should read them.

The Enlightened Team

Get beyond the Market Data Reports to posts like this. Some incredible people (with great writing skills) are behind these posts.

The Mortgage Porter

When it comes to writing about mortgages, it's usually pretty dry. Not so with The Mortgage Porter. Rhonda has always been one of my favs in the sphere.

Carole Sanek - The Social Butterfly Media Marketing

This is one butterfly that can write. Add Carole to your daily read - you'll thank me.

Carole Sanek - The Social Butterfly Media Marketing

We manage every detail you need to establish and maintain your social media presence. We are here for you 7 days a week by phone, email, and texting so that you always have consistency because success happens when you have a consistent program. You can sit back and relax.

Joseph Montes

Joseph Montes - Social Media