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Updated by Nilesh Gohel on Dec 10, 2024
Nilesh Gohel Nilesh Gohel
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What is Face Massage Therapy?

Most of us want to make the most of our natural assets. We actively strive to look good: welcoming whatever can assist us in this process. Working with a Facial Massage Therapy professional can be one of the most beneficial ways to support a youthful and healthy outer appearance.

Learn Face Massage Therapy | Facial Massage Course in India

Facial Therapy is a design to the universal principles of using touch to heal. Learn face massage therapy course at APURVAM in Goa, India.

Facial Massage Therapy helps to rejuvenate and to reduce the impact of the aging process. and repair facial tissue and prevent. Through a percussive, rapid, rhythmical touch, the nervous system is stimulated, lymphatic flow is improved, blood circulation and muscles are strengthened and toned and the energy flow in the face is harmonious and maintained.


Face Massage Therapy for Natural Face Lift

Face Massage Therapy for Natural Face Lift

It is a powerful, yet gentle facial rejuvenation treatment. It is a combination of ancient East Asian medical concepts and ancient facial massage therapy techniques. It utilizes traditional medical concepts such as meridians and tsubo to balance and harmonize the condition of internal organs. Using the fingertips to activate the tsubo for slightly milder stimulation. This activates facial nerves and thus increases the ki flow to the face which brings about a natural face-lift effect.

Why does Facial Therapy Massage have a Rejuvenating Effect?

🌸 Perfect and glowing skin is widely regarded as a sign of good health. It means that your body is functioning properly, you are digesting…