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Updated by George Rodriguez on Jun 28, 2013
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10 Best Non-Fiction Golf Books

These are the 10 best non-fiction golf books I've ever read. And I've read a bunch.

The Greatest Game Every Played - Mark Frost

Better than the movie (as all books are) and so unbelievable that you think you are reading fiction.

Hogan - Curt Sampson

An amazing golfer and an amazing life.

The Match - Mark Frost

Non-fiction golf books are some of the most enthralling books I've read, regardless of subject.  This is one of them.

American Triumvirate - Jame Dodson

Before Tiger, Jack and Arnie these were the golf gods of their time

Tommy's Honor - Kevin Cook

Try to keep it together while you read about Old Tom Morris and Young Tom Morris and the amazing lives they both led.

The Grand Slam - Mark Frost

Takes you behind the mask of Bobby Jones and shows you the toll it took to be the best.

Ben Hogan - Jame Dodson

Hogan was so good he deserves two biographies on this list.

Harvey Penick's Little Red Book

The must-read golf instruction book.

Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect - Bob Rotella

All about those few inches between your ears that make all the difference.

The Eternal Summer - Curt Sampson

Hogan near the end of his career, Palmer beloved by all and Jack making his move.  Great stuff.