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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 8 Most Extreme Sports in the World - Top 8 Extreme Sports Activities Around the Globe
Joanna James Joanna James
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8 Most Extreme Sports in the World - Top 8 Extreme Sports Activities Around the Globe

When it comes to awe-inspiring extreme sporting activities, it is important to remember that competition and winning are not the ultimate objectives as the thrill of the experience reigns supreme. Here's a rundown of the most extreme sports known to man.


Volcano Surfing

As its name suggests, Volcano surfing involves clambering up to the lip of a volcano and surfing along its exterior using boards made from plywood. Not for the faint of heart, this adrenalin pumping activity is not entirely unsafe as the boards used for the activity are reinforced with metal, Formica, or steel parts. The most challenging part of the entire exercise is the heat one feels when gliding across a molten hot surface.


Wingsuit Flying

Ever wondered what it is to fly among the clouds without a metal casing or aircraft getting in the way? The creators of Wingsuit Flying answered this question and many others by inventing a suit one can don to use the power of the wind to stay afloat. Jumping off a cliff or an aircraft, experienced skydivers can float down without the aid of a parachute in this extreme sport, which allows one to roam free as a bird.


Free Soloing

While rock climbing is an adventure sport that involves great risk, free soloing takes it a step further by removing safety harnesses, ropes, and other gear that ensure rock climbers don't plummet to the ground every time they lose their footing.


BASE Jumping

Ranked as the most dangerous recreational sporting activity on the planet, BASE jumping results in death for every 2317 jumps that are performed. Leaping off buildings and bridges, BASE jumpers release the parachute at the last possible moment and risk injury and death by cutting the reaction time to mere seconds. Don't be surprised to hear a sport news update about a close call experienced by a BASE jumper on Travel News Talk and similar web pages.


Cave Diving

This sport involves jumping into caves underwater and is exclusively practised by avid scuba divers. The danger in the sport lies in not being able to come up for air soon enough should one experience equipment failure or lack of oxygen.



Kayaking fans can try their hand at creeking if paddling down low volume rivers along steep routes sounds at all appealing. Invented during the 1980s, the extreme white water kayaking experience also includes paddling off waterfalls.



Often compared to walking the wire, highlining involves walking between two structures that are located high up in the air without the aid of a balancing pole or a net below. One must have no fear of heights and a great sense of balance to pull off a feat of highlining.


Ice Climbing

Scaling vertical ice formations is also considered a sport and is called Ice Climbing among the winter sports enthusiasts who engage in the activity during wintertime. Using ice picks to create footholds and crevices on the ice to hold onto, the sport is similar to rock climbing, except on icy, vertical mountains.

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