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Updated by Jennifer Kelly on May 26, 2021
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5 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Caring for Your Child’s Teeth


5 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

5 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Your baby’s teeth and gums require special care and attention. Promoting thorough dental hygiene during those vital early years can make all the difference in the future. You will establish your child’s healthy oral habits and lower their chances of developing serious dental problems in adult life.

We have gathered the five most essential tips on caring for a child’s dental health that you should be aware of.

1. Be careful with thumb sucking and pacifiers

Both thumb sucking and purifiers are the most common habits in children. However, without proper attention, they can be detrimental to the health of your child’s mouth and undeveloped teeth. Do your best to fight both of these habits by the age of 3. If possible, try encouraging a pacifier over a thumb. That’s because thumb sucking is harder to eliminate. If your child uses a pacifier, try following these simple rules:

  • Avoid coating the pacifier in milk, honey, or any other beverage that is high in sugar
  • Avoid using your saliva to clean the pacifier
  • Avoid using pacifiers with moving parts, built-in gadgets, or liquid interiors

2. Care for your child’s gums since day one

You should start taking care of your children’s dental health before they even start teething. Remember to wipe your baby’s gum line after each feeding. Here are few ways this can be done:

  • With a clean and damp washcloth
  • With a wet piece of gauze wrapped around your finger
  • With baby’s fingertip toothbrush

3. Start taking your child to the dentist at the age of 6

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should be taken to a dental specialist half a year after growing their first tooth. However, every child has unique needs. Consult a pediatric dentist to determine the best time your children should be taken for their first checkup.

Starting at early years is essential to diagnose any potential tooth decay or cavities. That’s also important to get your child comfortable and familiar with visiting a dental office. Apart from that, it helps you acquire essential knowledge to provide the most proper care. Remember to book biannual dental appointments for your child. Twice-a-year cleanings and exams are highly beneficial to the child’s oral health.

4. Brush your child’s teeth two times daily

As teeth start erupting, continue wiping your child’s gum line and teeth after every feeding. Once your children develop all of their teeth, start using a baby toothbrush with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush their teeth twice a day.

As time passes, help your children develop proper brushing techniques. Show them how to hold the toothbrush correctly and brush the teeth properly. Besides, don’t forget to show and help your children learn how to spit out toothpaste.

5. Limit sugary drinks and foods

Cavities are highly common in most children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 41% of children will have cavities at some point in their life. To help your children avoid cavities, make sure to limit the number of sugary foods and beverages that they consume. Foods and drinks that you should avoid giving to your child include:

  • Sodas
  • Fruit juices
  • Certain dairy products
  • Gummy bears
  • Raisins
  • Candies
  • Honey
  • Citrus fruits
  • Sports drinks

These foods stimulate the production of dangerous bacteria in your child’s mouth and are hard to get rid of. Plus, don’t share eating utensils with your child and avoid cleaning pacifiers with your mouth. Acidic bacteria can be passed from your mouth to your child’s mouth via saliva.