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Updated by Unik CCTV on Dec 25, 2024
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office intercom system | UnikCCTV

Installing office intercom system on commercial properties is an important company security precaution that will help deter burglary and vandalism all year. CCTV surveillance devices augmented with remote control services have more peace of mind, enabling companies to concentrate on their productivity, products, and services without having to think about what happens outside the workplace at any time of day or night.


Best Places to Install Security Cameras in a Business | UnikCCTV

Best Places to Install Security Cameras in a Business | UnikCCTV

Installing office intercom system on commercial properties is an important company security precaution that will help deter burglary and vandalism all year. CCTV surveillance devices augmented with remote control services have more peace of mind, enabling companies to concentrate on their productivity, products, and services without having to think about what happens outside the workplace at any time of day or night.

Installing CCTV cameras in specific places can have peace of mind because you can't always be onsite. Security cameras are used as a precaution against vandalism and burglary on commercial property. Camera images have improved as monitoring technology has advanced, allowing for better imaging for tracking dangerous people, but this is still only after the damage has already been done.

A preventative approach is to install CCTV surveillance systems in conjunction with a remote monitoring program, which provides live camera feeds that alert observation personnel to action or unusual activities around the clock. Not only can audio announcement warning serve as a barrier to unexpected travelers, but it has also been shown to prevent possible criminals and vandals from entering the premises.

Choosing where to position CCTV cameras, on the other hand, necessitates some thought. When mounting cameras, the most useful ways to put them, including the right height and angles, will all be explored to ensure you get the most out of them. The following CCTV camera positioning instructions have been issued to assist you in preparing your security camera placement around your home, exterior venue, or business premises.

Area of Welcome: While the reception area does not seem to be of much significance in your commercial property, it is a high-traffic area for people entering and exiting on a daily basis during business hours. If your reception area faces the street, it's also the most possible spot for trespassers to try to push their way into the building. By installing a surveillance camera, you can keep track of shoppers and employees who use the area as a walk-through while also spotting unidentified travelers or individuals who are behaving strangely.

Entrances and Exits: Security cameras placed prominently at the building's entrances and exits would help you to keep track of who is inside and how long they remain. The cameras have a clear view of anybody entering and exiting the building, which can serve as a deterrent to anyone contemplating committing a crime. If you want a good shot of a person's profile, put the camera close to something that will attract the eye, like a TV monitor or a conspicuous sign. The camera can take a whole shot as they turn to see the thing.

*Storerooms: *Every company has a storage space, whether it's for storing classified records, server racks, or ready-to-distribute items. These rooms are critical for management and the company's leadership, and access for those staff can need to be limited in certain situations. Installing CCTV cameras at the entrance to this room helps you to keep an eye on who enters and exits the restricted space, as well as keep track of any unauthorized efforts to gain entry that require further investigation.

*Warehouses: *Warehouses are also the preferred storage location for goods worth millions of dollars to companies, making them an ideal destination for criminals. CCTV cameras are an excellent way to watch who visits the factory and identify those who might be trespassing or causing harm if you wish to secure your stored goods. Since it can be costly to track a large warehouse space in its entirety, it is recommended that businesses hide security cameras to prevent opportunistic thieves from spotting potential blind spots.

Points of Sale: Of course, there should be cameras anywhere there are cash registers. This would deter not only clients but also workers from cheating. When installing cameras in these locations, make sure they're pointing in the direction that the customer will stand and that they're no more than seven feet tall. If you raise the camera higher, you'll just get a good picture of the top of the customer's head, which isn't very useful for spotting criminals.

*Exterior: *Of course, the savings of the ordinary company aren't left in the house, but criminality also begins there. External video cameras will not only keep an eye on vehicles in the parking lot but also on workers accepting shipments at loading docks. The cameras could be used to capture license plate numbers, aid law enforcement in the retrieval of stolen property, and provide workers who are working late a sense of security as they approach the dimly lit parking lot.

Secluded Locations: While it might sound odd to install surveillance cameras in areas that are barely used, these are the locations where criminal activity is organized. The dumpster is one of the most common locations where thieves hide stolen goods; the employee will either throw them away and recover them later or order an accomplice to retrieve them. If surveillance cameras are mounted, this type of operation would be discouraged.

Unik CCTV along with office cameras also provides the residential video intercom systems for homes and apartments. Visit Unik Cctv today to install a surveillance system for your home.

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Unik CCTV should be your go-to company as they have the best intercom systems accessories to fulfill the surveillance requirements of every individual. They also have the best collection of office and apartment entry systems along with various different types of surveillance systems.

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UnikCCTV provides everything you need to create a complete surveillance and security system. We are engineering and consulting company that sells complete IP security solutions at affordable prices.