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Updated by healthywhiz on May 14, 2021
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Health & Wellness

We are here to provide the best content on health and wellness.

Top 17 Super Healthy Vegetables. How many do you like? - Healthy Whiz

Vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients packed with vitamins, immune boosting antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Filling up your plate with them are a great way to a healthy life. The more you eat them the better you feel.

The 20 Healthiest Fruits. Have you tried them all? - Healthy Whiz

Fruits are the nutritious powerhouse essential for good health. All fruits have unique health benefits that help in providing the body with vital nutrients and also protect them from the risk of many diseases.

15 Foods To Eat, To Keep Your Heart Healthy - Healthy Whiz

Heart diseases have become one of the major health concerns around the globe. Cardiovascular problems are generally considered as a lifestyle disease and hence what you eat has a major impact on your heart health.

20 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory - Healthy Whiz

The risk of brain degeneration is obvious once an individual reaches a certain age. Fortunately, due to scientific and medicinal advancements, we can boost our brain and memory using plenty of ways. The food we eat determines the functionality and vitality of our brain.

10 Foods That Helps Soothe a Sore Throat - Healthy Whiz

Sore throats cause distress for individuals of any age across the globe. Frequently the principal indication of a cold or upper respiratory disease can leave you feeling hopeless and not having any desire to eat—yet it’s imperative to fuel your body when you’re wiped out to accelerate the recuperating interaction.