Capital of Egypt is Cairo. Check the first ancient capital city of Egypt.Currency official language of counry. Public holidays and festivals. capital city of israel, north korea, and south korea
This post
lists the newest and youngest countries of the world. After World War II, most
of the countries of Asia and South America started becoming independence.
Colonies like India and Korea were free countries. But you will be surprised to
know that some nations are formed just in the past two or three decades. Here
we have listed the nations formed most recently. We are sure you would love to
learn about them.
capital of North Korea and South Korea. Official language, currency, and neighbouring countries. Top festivals and holidays in North Korea. capital of south africa, capital cities of Germany, France, and Portugal
capital of south korea, currency, languages, and public holidays. Find list of states and capitals of US, India, and Australia. Capital of South Australia
capital of Israel currency. Major festivals and public holidays of Israel. Languages spoken in Israel and other countries of Europe and Asia. capital of Brazil. capital cities of south africa