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Updated by Zico Cox on May 13, 2021
Zico Cox Zico Cox
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Top 8 Parallel and Series Resistance Calculators Online

Here are some powerful tools I've used online for resistances calculation. With them, you can reduce a lot of unnecessary calculations. Of course, if you have a better one, please add it to the list so I can discover more. Happy to share here!


Conversion Calculator Parallel and Series Resistor | DigiKey

Conversion Calculator Parallel and Series Resistor | DigiKey

Parallel and Series Resistor Calculator calculates the overall resistance value for multiple resistances connected either in series or in parallel.


Parallel Resistance Calculator - Electrical Engineering

Parallel Resistance Calculator - Electrical Engineering

Parallel Resistance Calculator, calculates the total resistance of resistors in parallel with ease!


Parallel and Series Resistance Calculator-Apogeeweb

Parallel and Series Resistance Calculator-Apogeeweb

Parallel and Series Resistance Calculator calculates the series and parallel resistance value online freely and quickly.


Resistance in series and parallel Calculator - High Accuracy

Resistance in series and parallel Calculator - High Accuracy

Resistance in series and parallel Calculator - Calculates the total resistance of two resistors in series and parallel.


Series Resistor Calculator - OMNICALCULATOR

Series Resistor Calculator - OMNICALCULATOR

The series resistor calculator is a tool for determining the equivalent resistance of a circuit with up to ten resistors connected in series.


Parallel Resistor Calculator - OMNICALCULATOR

Parallel Resistor Calculator - OMNICALCULATOR

The parallel resistor calculator is a tool for determining the equivalent resistance of a circuit with up to five resistors in parallel.


Calculate Resistors in a Parallel Circuit

Calculate Resistors in a Parallel Circuit

Parallel Resistance Calculator determines the resistance of up to 10 resistors in parallel. Enter resistances into the boxes below and when all values have been input, click on the 'calculate' button and the result will appear in the box below that button. As a test, if we enter resistances of 4, 6, and 12 ohms, the answer should be 2 ohms.


Parallel and Series Resistor Calculator

Parallel and Series Resistor Calculator

This Parallel Resistor Calculator calculates the total parallel resistance of a circuit. It allows up to 10 different resistor values. If you want to compute the total resistance of less than 10 resistors, just insert the values of the resistors you have and leave the rest of tbe fields blank.