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Updated by Yuly Asencion on Apr 27, 2024
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Spanish in the U.S.

News, articles, videos, and podcasts related to the use of Spanish in the United States

Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race - Paperback - Jonathan Rosa - Oxford University Press

Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race examines the emergence of linguistic and ethnoracial categories in the context of Latinidad. The book draws from more than twenty-four months of ethnographic and sociolinguistic fieldwork in a Chicago public school, whose student body is more than 90% Mexican and Puerto Rican, to analyze the racialization of language and its relationship to issues of power and national identity.

El español, protagonista una vez más, y ahora con Biden

En nuestro espacio En voz alta, destinado a un lugar para hacernos escuchar cuando tenemos algo que decir para invitar a la reflexión, hoy compartimos la presentación de Silvia Betti, académica correspondiente de la ANLE en Italia y dinámica responsable de varias iniciativas y proyectos de nuestra corporación.

La fuerza del español

El español llegó al territorio de Estados Unidos antes que el inglés. Hoy es el segundo idioma más hablado en el país.

Listening to AOC's Flawed Spanish Gave Me the Courage to Embrace My Own

Author Natalia Sylvester on why AOC's Spanish language skills represent being Latinx in the U.S. today, as part of a new essay collection about the politician.

Immigrants’ Journeys: Challenges and Opportunities in Champaign-Urbana | illinoisyouthmedia/immigrantsjourneys | Illi...

Champaign-Urbana is home to the second-largest population of foreign-born residents in Illinois. Immigrants have shaped and been shaped by their new home in central Illinois. Students from University Laboratory High School have gathered oral histories from a variety of these immigrants and their advocates and turned their stories into this hour-long documentary.

What Does It Mean To Be Latino? The Kid Mero Talks Us Through It : Code Switch : NPR

We've said it multiple times on the show: Latinos are the second largest demographic in the United States. But...what does that actually mean? Are Latinos a race? Ethnicity? Culture? We try (and fail) to answer some of these questions with Dominican American podcaster and entertainer the Kid Mero.

Here's Why The Census Started Counting Latinos, And How That Could Change In 2020 : Code Switch : NPR

On the Code Switch podcast this week, a look at concerns and issues facing people of color in the 2020 Census, and a look back at the reasons why "Hispanics" became a word in the first place.

El español en las escuelas de Estados Unidos

8 millones de alumnos en primaria y secundaria. De dar apoyo y facilitar profesores se encarga en gran medida la Consejería de Educación de la embajada de España

BBC Mundo - ¿Hablas español? : **El español de Nuevo México**

El español de Nuevo México

Cuando estuvimos en Nuevo México conocimos a expertos que nos contaron cómo en ese estado se habla un español que aún...

Cómo y cuándo llegó el español a EE.UU. (y fue primero que el inglés) - BBC News Mundo

Si bien en Estados Unidos no hay un idioma oficial, el inglés es el que domina en el territorio. Sin embargo, el español es el segundo idioma más hablado. Pero ¿sabías que el español llegó a Estados Unidos antes que el inglés?

"Fui acosada en mi pueblo por hablar español y me tuve que ir": Ana Suda, retenida por hablar español en una gasoline...

Un incidente entre dos mujeres que hablaban en español y un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza en EE.UU. quedó grabado en un video que se volvió viral hace año y medio. Lo que no esperaban sus protagonistas es que sus vidas cambiarían drásticamente.

¿Hablas español? | "English Only": el movimiento que quiere limitar la presencia del español en Estados Unidos - BBC ...

"Somos una nación que habla inglés". Donald Trump hizo de la defensa del inglés uno de los puntos principales de su campaña para llegar a la Casa Blanca. Su planteamiento está en línea con las ideas del movimiento "solo inglés" que lucha por conseguir que este sea el idioma oficial de Estados Unidos. ¿Qué poder real tiene?

Latino or Latinx? Linguistic Debate Over Inclusive Terms | KJZZ's The Show

The term "Latinx" is being used by many in the left-leaning academic set as a more gender-inclusive form of “Latino” or “Latina," but it’s also stirring up quite a bit of controversy — especially among people of Latin American descent in the U.S.According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, only about 3% of people in that group actually use the term, even though a

Language Ideology and Racial Inequality: Competing Functions of Spanish..." (2006)

This video covers Barrett's (2006) article on "Anglo-Spanish" (a form of Mock Spanish), which he calls "linguistic appropriation." Got 10 minutes? Learn stuff ...

From Mock Spanish to Inverted Spanglish..quot; (2016)

What the heck is "Inverted Spanglish"??? This video interprets Jonathan Rosa's chapter titled "From Mock Spanish to Inverted Spanglish: Language Ideologies ...

Language Access In A Pandemic: Arizonans Discuss Barriers, Solutions | KNAU Arizona Public Radio

Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the country next to English. In Arizona, translations can be found everywhere — from ATMs and voting

Arizona Needs To Better Incorporate Spanish Into Its Vaccination Plan, Activists Say : NPR

Vaccination rates for white people are nearly double those for Latino residents in Arizona. Activists say the state has been slow to incorporate Spanish into its vaccination campaign.

Mexissippi: Spanish in the South | Stephen Fafulas | TEDxUniversityofMississippi

The Spanish language and culture are expanding in the U.S. South. By implementing a bilingual educational system, we will support multiculturalism and multil...

Languages and Identity, the Risk of Code-switching | BeLatina

Being able to navigate between English and Spanish masterfully is often perceived as a gesture of bravery or a way to survive and move on. In linguistics it is called "code-switching.”

Spanish-language Covid disinformation is aimed at Latinos as delta surges

Spanish-language disinformation on Covid-19 on radio and social media continue to give false information against vaccines and masking amid the delta surge.

Latinos own and disown ‘Hispanic’ in nuanced journey to harness their identity

Debates over which term best describes a population of 62 million often emerge on Hispanic Heritage Month. But for these Latinos, embodying their identity on their own terms is empowering and necessary.

Where do Latinos live? The census shows population growth where you least expect it

The swift growth of U.S. Latinos is reshaping big states and small towns. Meet the faces of a new era.

Bicultural Latinos embrace dual identities, shun pressure to assimilate

More Latinos are embracing their bicultural and bilingual identities, in some cases rejecting their parents' assimilation into American culture.