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Updated by VeridiaAustralia on Aug 08, 2022
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Veridia Australia

We take care of consumer hygiene systems in aged care, education and accommodation facilities across Australia, giving facility managers time to focus on what matters most.

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We’d love to show you how we’ve helped educational institutions streamline the management of their hygiene systems, consumables and compliance.

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Veridia understands the complexities of providing high capacity living arrangements that are comfortable, clean and cost-effective.

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Infection control has never been more in the public view. There are rules about social distancing, sanitising and hygiene safety which we..

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Let's be honest, Schools haven't been supported during the pandemic. The education sector wasn't seen as "in danger", only "dangerous".

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One hygiene consumables cost that’s commonly overlooked in aged care facilities is toilet paper.

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In today’s environment high-performance bathroom cleaning supplies have never been more crucial, particularly in the aged care industry. Preventing the spread of disease through thorough effective bathroom hygiene practices and handwashing is key.

Preparing your facility against Coronavirus | Veridia Australia

The Coronavirus Threat is still at large, and, as scientists across the world scramble to develop vaccines, its time to batten down..

How Much Does Surface Disinfectant Cost? - Veridia

But are you leaving time and money on the table? Are you risking a gastro outbreak, and a red flag for hygiene when your next accreditation rolls around? 

How Much Do Vinyl Gloves Cost?- Latest News | Veridia Australia

What costs should you include when you're comparing vinyl and nitrile gloves? Which type of glove will give you a better true value?

3 Techniques to Get Ready for Hygiene in Your Aged Care Self-Assessment - Veridia

You absolutely need evidence of infection control and a safe, healthy living environment. It could be the difference between a pass and a sanction in your accreditation report. 

What Does Direct Care Time Mean for Aged Care CEOs? - Veridia

We have found that the aged care system fails to meet the needs of our older, often very vulnerable, citizens. It does not deliver uniformly safe and quality care for older people. It is unkind and uncaring towards them. In too many instances, it simply neglects them.

Harsh on infection, kind on hands. Veridia’s moisturising hand wash.

Commercial hand wash can be harsh on infection and dirt but destructive to hand health. Veridia’s moisturising hand wash, moisturiser and moisturising soap balances controlling infections with good skin and health care.

How to Ace the Five Moments for Hand Hygiene Auditing Process | Veridia

4.6 million bacteria on every square centimetre - that’s a lot of dangerous micro-organisms on one surface. Hand Hygiene is essential

Time to Shine | Hygiene & Cleaning Supplies | Veridia Australia

We take care of consumer Hygiene & Cleaning Supplies in aged care, education and accommodation facilities across Australia.

Cooinda Aged Care Centre - Success Stories | Veridia Australia

Wally is the Property and Services Manager of Cooinda Aged Care Centre, a non-profit nursing home that serves the Sunshine Coast

Hand Wash Systems - Accent Hygiene Range | Veridia Australia

Accent Hygiene Systems is our exclusive chemical range, designed for institutions with high compliance standards and volume.

How To Create A Positive Culture Around Handwashing In Your Facility

Now more than ever, we know the importance of creating a positive and successful culture surrounding handwashing and hygiene..

Aged Care Residents, Home & Industry Facility | Veridia Australia

When you’re working with the elderly in both health & aged care industry, no compromise on hygiene & comfort.

Creating Trust in Your Aged Care Home | Veridia Australia

Humans are born, bred, & hard wired to tell stories, and when it comes to the aged care industry, storytelling has become more crucial than ever.

Beverage & Accommodation Supplies | Veridia Australia

Taking the time to incorporate quality & style elements into your hospitality supplies has been proven to substantially improve the guest experience.

End-To-End Services - Solutions | Veridia Australia

We take care of managing your hygiene systems and consumables, so you don’t have to. Rather than just process orders..

Infection Control - Solutions - Coronavirus | Veridia Australia

Infection control has never been more in the public view. There are rules about social distancing, sanitising and hygiene safety which we..

Using WHS Principles for Infection Control in Aged Care | Veridia Australia

685* people living in Australian residential aged care have died from COVID-19, although it has brought hygiene to the front of our minds.

The 9 Vital Areas to Clean in Aged Care Facilities - Veridia

Incorrect cleaning methods could lead to an infection outbreak in your aged care facility. Here are 9 ways to reduce the threat to your elderly residents.

Best toilet cleaning products to prevent cross-contamination - Veridia

Stopping cross-contamination from washrooms is critical to maintaining a healthy facility - and toilet cleaning products play a key role.