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Updated by Chris Taylor on Jan 25, 2024
Chris Taylor Chris Taylor
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Dog tips, tricks and guides

Here's a roundup of useful pet dog-related resources from the web - from blogs on behavioural issues, to sizing guides for collars or beds.

DIY Dog Clipping for a wagging new do long haired pooch!

If you've got a long-haired pooch, but hate paying out £20 or £30 each time his hair needs clipping, don't fear - as long as you take care, you can easily undertake a do-it-yourself clipping session at home. It's all about knowing what to do and having the right equipment.

The Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Training: Mastering the Basics

Welcome to the world of puppy training, where patience meets reward and chaos meets order. In this ultimate guide, we delve deep into the realm of tips..

How to Help Your Dog Conquer the Car

Judging by the rate of knots that dogs zip around the park - tongue out, tail wagging, panting with excitement - it never ceases to amaze people that they don't like to travel even faster in a car. In fact, they rarely like to travel in a car full stop.

Wirral council makes room for dog walk in new festival

Dog owners on the Wirral peninsula are set to unite this weekend for a special coastal walk, forming part of the North West area's inaugural Walking Festival. Starting at 9:30am, this Saturday's event will see families and their canine companions starting from Seacombe, stopping off at the Derby Pool (four miles) and Kings Gap in Hoylake (10 miles) before finishing off at Thurstaston beach - the full journey being optional.

Easy Tricks To Teach Dogs - Fun Dog Tricks

Teaching some easy dog tricks to your pooch not only stimulates the dog's brain, but also improves your communication skills with your dog. The key to teaching dog tricks is a lot of rewards and repetition. It is important to reward your dog with treats and/or praises when he is learning how to perform a new trick.

Crate Training Your Dog: My Story

I have wanted a dog ever since I left home and left the university and finally got my own place. So when a friend of mine said her Jack Russell was having puppies in 2 weeks I just couldn't resist going to have a peek.

Finding the Right Dog Bed for Your Puppy - My Story

Bringing a puppy home for the first time is a cross between nerves and excitement for everyone involved, especially because I had never had my own pet before. I'd read all the books possible and had every last detail planned out from the cage and bed area, to the matching pink bowls in the food area.

Finding a Dog Bed for Your Older Pooch

If your beloved pooch is approaching his older years, or perhaps becoming a little doddery, you'll naturally want to make him as comfortable as you possibly can. Of course, lots of love, attention and regular walks (as long as they're on easy-going routes) will go some way in doing this, but another way to keep your furry friend happy is to invest in the right type of dog bed.

In what situations should you use a dog crate?

Everyone loves the sight of their dog bounding through the house, switching their attention from one point to the next, their tail wagging with rapid speed. Sometimes, though, they'll need to contain their love for life for just a few hours, while a certain matter is attended to.

Choosing a dog bed that's right for your pet

As any dog lover will attest, dogs can fall asleep pretty much anywhere; comfort doesn't seem to be as important as the reassurance of your presence. That said, it's important that man's best friends have their own dog beds. A dog bed is a space that is exclusively your dog's: a safe place.

Give your cat the bed of luxury " The Pet Diary

Dogs may be man's best friend but cats are our superiors. They have a way of looking at you with complete disdain but they are also loving and dangerously smart. Don't underestimate the intelligence of your cat - a lot of them can open doors, get onto roofs and even find their way back to old houses hundreds of miles away.

Safe travel options for your dog

This entry was posted in Misc and tagged dog cages. Bookmark the permalink. At some point in your dog's life, there is a high chance that it will need to travel in the car with you. It might be to the vet or it might be somewhere more fun like the beach.

Keep Your Dog Well-Behaved

Having a disobedient dog can be incredibly hard-work. Some dogs bark incessantly while others get very aggressive and frighten visitors to the house or even the owners themselves. Training a dog from a young age is an ideal way to ensure any bad habits are overcome early on, rather than trying to force the dog out of them later on.

A beginner's guide to dog grooming

All dogs need some sort of grooming routine, no matter what their breed is. Even if they are absolutely hairless, they will still need their claws trimming and the odd bath, particularly if they have been frolicking around in muddy fields, as dogs do have a tendency to do.This beginner's guide will tell you the things to consider to ensure your beloved dog is kept in tip-top condition and smells good at all times, as...

What to look for in a dog collar

Claw back the fluff and take a good look at your dog's collar. Has its edges seen better days? Is your pet's name clearly displayed? It might be time to invest in a new collar, and this buying process is no easier than others.

What qualities make a dog collar a 'designer' product?

Dog owners have the luxury of being able to choose between thousands of selections when deciding on the right collar for their pooch, but only the cream of the crop can be regarded as one of the 'best designer dog collars'.

What qualities make designer dog accessories 'designer'?!

Most of us want to provide the best of everything for our pets. It's no different for cats and dogs, which is why so many people end up opting for design dog leads or cat collars. However, understanding why designer dog accessories are so attractive can be tricky sometimes - especially when you're spending so much money on an animal, not a human.

How To Make Dog Collars, Dog Leads And Dog Beds "Cool"

Your dog is your best friend. Just as you have a right to look good in the clothes you wear or the house you live in, your beloved pup has the right to look stylish on walks or curl up in a snuggly bed as well. One that looks cool obviously.

Pimping Your Pooch - How to Make an Entrance in the Park

Dog fashion is not a new thing. Fashionistas have been dressing their dogs for years in a bid to make them as stylish as themselves. After what is, quite frankly, too long, the trend finally seems to be taking off. Dogs are no longer seen as those little mongrels that roll around in their own poo.

Pet Gazette

Pet Gazette is the UK's leading pet trade publication, bringing you news, products and trends online and in our monthly magazine.

Waterproof Dog Collars - What Next? How Adventure Dog Collars Are Taking Over The Marketplace

Man's best friend is genetically engineered to be an adventurous, inquisitive and explorative beast. However, as owners, we sometimes forget this fact; cursing our mutts when they jump in the local river, chase squirrels into the forest out of sight, or pelt straight for the nearest mount of fox poo just to give themselves a good roll around in it.

The Top 5 Craziest World Records set by Dogs

Our dogs are an amazing bunch - this much we already know. Whether it's because they can lift their paw on command, or bring you a paper in the morning when the post arrives, it's clear that there are some pretty clever canines out there.

Intergrooming: Has Dog Grooming Gone Too Far?

Pets Uncaged Blog Posted on Jun 27, 2013 by Jason Dogs have long been known to be man's best friend. Surely, then, we should treat them with the utmost respect and dignity? Obviously we want to show off our pride and joy, but with the ever-rising popularity of dog shows, are people going too far to show off their canine friends?

Things you should learn to expect from your 'obedient' friend

We all like to think that our dog is the most well behaved, modest-mannered and intelligent pooch in the whole town. However, if we’re being honest, this is rarely the case.

Dog steps for car and home from Easy Animal

Dog steps are fast becoming an essential for dog owners across the country. If smaller dogs struggle to reach their favourite places, steps are an ideal solution.