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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for List of Marine Wildlife in Baa Atoll – A World Beneath the Waves
Joanna James Joanna James
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List of Marine Wildlife in Baa Atoll – A World Beneath the Waves

Baa Atoll of Maldives is one of 26 atolls located in the archipelago. It was named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2011. The atoll is home to small islands not more than 3.19 metres in height. And for those of you choosing a resort on Baa Atoll, here is a list of marine wildlife in Baa Atoll.


The Marine Mammals of Baa Atoll

Dolphins are the biggest lure around Baa Atoll. And the area is home to pods of both Bottlenose and Spinner dolphins. If you're choosing accommodation at a resort on Baa Atoll, consider a Maldives beach villa for easy access to the beach and those expansive views of the ocean. You can even book dolphin spotting tours via your hotel on Baa Atoll. Some like Finolhu Maldives make these excursions easy.


The Reptiles of Baa Atoll

Under the reptiles' category on Baa Atoll, you get the sea turtles. A snorkelling or scuba diving tour from a hotel on Baa Atoll will treat you to sights of the Hawksbill turtle, Green turtle, and the Olive Ridley turtle species. Book your snorkelling or diving tour via your hotel in the Maldives and take the tour with a guide, who will be happy to update you about the fascinating marine life.


The Popular Rays of Baa Atoll

There is no greater treat than the sight of a huge stingray hovering above you as you scuba dive. And the Baa Atoll is home to many types of this exotic species. Traversing the waters of Baa Atoll are Manta Ray, Eagle Ray, Ornate Eagle Ray, Jenkins Stingray, Feathertail Stingray, Black-blotched Stingray, and the Porcupine Stingray.


The Fascinating Sharks of Baa Atoll

The Whale Shark can be seen around Baa Atoll. Although this species is technically classed as a fish and the largest variety of its kind, the whale shark is a gentle creature that is not easily spotted. But the Maldives offers divers a chance to swim with these fascinating creatures. Other shark species to be seen around Baa Atoll include blacktips, coral sharks, sicklefin lemon sharks, leopard sharks, and nurse sharks.


The Eels to Be Spotted Around Baa Atoll

Several eel species can be seen on a deep dive around the Baa Atoll. Keep a look out for the Honeycomb moray eel, Zebra moray eel, Banded moray eel, Giant moray eel, Undulated moray eel, White-eyed moray, and the Spotted garden eel. Liveaboard scuba diving tours, organised by resorts in the Maldives, offer tourists a chance to visit all the diving hot spots around Baa Atoll to view the fascinating marine life.


Other Types of Fish to Be Seen Around Baa Atoll

There are many fascinating creatures living in the seas surrounding the Maldives atolls. Plus, the strong current brings along many a variety of microscopic species too. Hence, night diving is popular in the Maldives and it is chosen by divers wanting to experience the diverse species of marine life found around the atoll. Some of these fascinating marine creatures spotted around the Baa Atoll include the Sand-lizard fish and Giant Frogfish. There are shoals of Fringelip Mullet and Keeltail Needlefish too.


Coral Fish Around Baa Atoll

These colourful species add cheer to your dive. Look out for Spotfin Squirrelfish, Crown Squirrelfish, Crimson Soldierfish, Immaculate Soldierfish, and Violet Soldierfish, amongst many more.

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