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Updated by Steve Ingrassia on Feb 26, 2025
37 items   11 followers   55 votes   420 views

Ways to get more help on Java Programming

How do you go beyond what Mr. I. has put in the GOA programming course to find out features of the Java programming language, specific classes, or methods? Post items to this list...either text, URLs to useful websites, videos, etc. Vote on what seems most useful to you


Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a Q&A website for professional programmers to talk and share information about hundreds of different programming languages. Great place to get help if you ever get stuck on a program. Visit website here.


Code Academy

Code Academy

Code Academy is a completely free website that gives very good tutorials for Java, Python, HTML, etc.
I highly recommend trying it.

Oracle Java Tutorials

Tutorials on the Java language from Oracle Corp. Link to it here

Learn Java has many java tutorials on various topics.

Introduction to Computer Science using Java

An online course in Java programming for beginners using programmed instruction.

Java Eclipse Shortcuts: Tips and Tricks for the Eclipse Java IDE A tutorial on my favourite shortcuts in the Eclipse IDE for Java developers. Learn how to format your code automatically, refactor code, add imports automatically and lots more.

Java Tutorial

Java Tutorial for Beginners - Learning Java in simple and easy steps : A beginner's tutorial containing complete knowledge of Java.
Helps you in all different topics if you are ever stuck or need better clarification.

Learn Java Programming - The Basics by mybringback

This is a series of videos designed to teach viewers java. The videos use Eclipse so they are easy to follow. There are 48 videos in total ranging setting up Eclipse to constructors and more. Each video covers one topic and they build upon each other so it may be beneficial to watch them in order but it is not necessary. The playlist can be found here.


Reddit - r/learnjava

Reddit - r/learnjava

A group of professionals and hobbyists all working together to one common goal. To educate the masses in the language of Java.

Drawing and animation programming

In these tutorials, you'll learn how to use the JavaScript language and the ProcessingJS library to create fun drawings and animations. For our purposes it is a great place to get help on a specific topic if you ever get stuck.

Advanced Java Programming Tutorial | Try-Catch Statement - Part 1/2

Want all of our free Java Programming videos? Download our free iPad app at ‪‬ More details on this Advanced Java training can be seen at This clip is one example from the complete course. For more free Java Programming tutorials please visit out our main website.



Dummies has information on just about everything, so it's no surprise that it offers many tutorials on programming in Java.

Java Beginner Tutorial

A online beginner java tutorial website covering basics of programming along with java source code. There's a lot of different topics that you can delve into and it gives you specifics / syntax for a lot of different commands/functions.

Java Programming Tutorial - 1 - Installing the JDK

A GREAT series of tutorials ranging from basic syntax to complex code.

Java Platform SE 7

This is the Java documentation provided by Oracle Corp. It includes standard packages, classes, and methods


TOHTML - Online Syntax Highlighting for Programming

TOHTML - Online Syntax Highlighting for Programming

This website is a great tool to use if you ever run into a problem with your code whilst programming. If eclipse can't help you pinpoint the bug in your code, use this website to find it. URL:




Time seems to be increasingly scarce these days so it's time for me to move on from the Java site. If you're interested in becoming the Java person for have a look at the be a guide page for more details.

Java - Tricks and Tips

This video explains how to comment your code, use comments to help you debug your code as well as use and create the command templates in NetBeans.

Eclipse Tutorials

A great resource to learn more about Java and using Eclipse.



JAVA <-- This website gives you an overview about the basics of Java.

Java For Beginners - Contents Page

A complete and free course for those new to Java, and to the world of programming in general
It gives you step by step process of learning java.

Java Programming Forum - Learn Java Programming

Java Programming Forum - Learning Java easily
A forum where people ask questions to a variety of things that are related to java. It can also help guide you in learning Java


This covers a large range of Java tutorials.

Python not the most popular programming language this year.. (updated)

techAU is a site that covers the best in the technology industry. A source would be great for programming.

.Net Online Training | .Net Online Course from India | Online IT Guru

An core is a free and open-source framework for building modern Cloud-based applications. Used for development tools on Windows. Get more info**_[.Net Online Training
