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Updated by c. Tseng on Mar 31, 2014
c. Tseng c. Tseng
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Mandarin Chinese Class Tools Interactive Learning Tool

Interactive Whiteboard educational quizzes and flash games for the school classroom

[教學資源]注音 & 漢語拚音 - 華語文 天氣晴

教學資源]注音 & 漢語拚音 - 華語文 天氣晴

DimSum Chinese Language Tool

Chinese Tools with Something for Everyone Many people have requested versions of the tools on this website that can be run locally. DimSum is the answer to these requests. I'm currently integrating most of the tools on the website into one package: DimSum.

E-Hanzi Digital Chinese

E-Hanzi Worksheet is aimed at Chinese teachers who want to help their students master Chinese characters.

nciku - Online English Chinese Dictionary, Learn Chinese Mandarin Online

Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary with Chinese handwriting recognition, pinyin translation, audio pronunciation, personalized vocab lists, picture theme words and useful Chinese conversations.

YellowBridge Chinese Dictionary and Language Tools

YellowBridge is a cultural bridge to Chinese culture, with an emphasis on Chinese language tools.

Learn Chinese Online and with Mobile Apps · ChinesePod

Convenient Method Unlike with traditional classes, with ChinesePod you can break up the learning process into convenient chunks that can be studied throughout the day. Listen to a lesson in the morning, prepare with the website or mobile app review materials, practice with a teacher, then perform a task to apply your new skills.

第八屆 全球華文網路教育研討會 ICICE 2013 - 雲端時代的華語文教與學

An evaluation of the effectiveness of a Chinese character learning software on Chinese character retention for English speaking background learners of Chinese

Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos -!

Transform your photos into speech bubble images with - the best speech bubble photo generator on the web. is super easy to use and you'll have great looking results instantly. No sign-up required

The Joy Luck Club(Chinese Parts English Subtitles)_1

Chinese Parts English Subtitles Version

The Joy Luck Club(Chinese Parts English Subtitles)_2

have uploaded the Chinese Parts English Subtitles Version..:))

The Joy Luck Club(Chinese Parts English Subtitles)_3

Uploaded by sandywu588 on 2012-10-08.

The Joy Luck Club(Chinese Parts English Subtitles)_4

Uploaded by sandywu588 on 2012-10-08.

構築僑胞永遠的家 歡迎收看台灣宏觀網路電視


The Chinese Learner's Toolbox | Chinese Hacks

The most popular Chinese dictionary for Android devices, it's fast and free. Pro version also available....



Edmodo | Where Learning Happens | Sign up, Sign In

Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner

驚喜合唱 101 Flash Mob Chorus in Taipei 101, Taiwan

一群喜好音樂的志願者在台北101的美食街快閃表演了美麗動人的台灣和中國歌曲 包括綠島小夜曲,茉莉花,望春風,以及高山青。 我們帶給了現場群眾意外的驚喜,也希望可以跟全世界介紹台灣的美。 台灣最美的風景線是人,有訪客如是說,您說是嗎。 歡迎大家推薦給您的朋友。 ==歡迎分享這個網頁連結,讓更多人體驗快樂和感動== ==可是請勿重製或下載此一視頻,否則侵權責任自負== A heart warming flash mob chorus performance of popular Taiwanese and Chinese songs in the food court of Taipei 101, Taiwan. The songs performed are: Green Island Serenade (lv-dao-xiao-ye-qu), Jasmine (mo-li-hua), Spring Breeze (wang-chun-feng) and Mountain is Green (gao-shan-qing).

克曼老師的全新版華語第五冊 | ICICE8 論文

sdcalajolla: I have truly enjoyed this class. Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise!

Reference:Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar

Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar by Qin Xue Herzberg, Larry Herzberg Here is a concise guide to supplement any course of study and help with homework, travel, and test preparation. Topics include word order, time, nouns, verbs, adjectives, word choices with verbs and adverbs, and letter writing.

漢語語法的資料整理 - 喜新念舊

7.31.2013 這幾天在整理一些教材, 想到一些語法的問題, 在FB提問, 得到很多老師的回應, 感覺好溫馨. FB的缺點是不易查詢, 所以, 把這些討論的資料補進來, 再加上一些因為問題的產生, 而挖掘出的更多資料, 一併記錄. 不然, 隔一陣子, 又很難找了. 這些, 就直接加到下列資料的部分嘍. 當中文老師真的得會十八般武藝, 不只是電腦在教學上的應用要不斷求進步, 班級經營管理, 教育心裡, 課堂活動設計, 教案撰寫要會之外, 文字學, 詞彙學, 語法結構等等也都是必修之課. 一直想做關於語法的整理, 一來, 時間真的不夠, 二來, 前一陣子的教學都還在屬於可應付階段, 就沒有燃上眉睫之急, 現在, 是趕緊抓時間追的時候了. 多年前, 網路資訊還不夠豐富之時, 我只能用收集書籍的原始方法在學習, 書架上的書不勝枚舉.(不過, 也沒啥時間看) 隔個幾年, 網路資源真是目不暇給了. 有一本蠻入門的文法書還蠻適合給不是主修語言或中文系的老師的, 書名叫: Chinese Grammar, Dr. Claudia Ross寫的. 還有舒兆民老師的語法課也超讚的, 上次聽老師說他快要出書了, 希望趕快上市嘍.

Chinese proverbs - Wikiquote

This is a collection of Chinese proverbs (諺語 yànyŭ) and idioms (成語 chéngyŭ), given in and sorted by their pinyin transcription. Chinese proverbs and four-plus character idioms are developed from the formulaic or social dialect/saying/expression (歇後語 in pinyin: xiēhòuyŭ) and historical story in Chinese.